Rain! :)

Jul 16, 2012 19:32

At last some rain, at loooong last! :)

The weather site says it's 33C outside (that's 91.4F), and even this feels like "cooler weather". It's already almost stopped, but if the clouds last long enough, we'll finally get some relief from the heat and not just higher air humidity that makes breathing more difficult. *is hopeful*

I didn't post much this ( Read more... )

summer, cars of the communist era, photo posts

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Comments 11

dan4behr July 16 2012, 16:44:05 UTC
The Lada got a nice shower!

We've had temps hovering around 37c the past week or more. Unusually hot, even for us. While it did rain here last week while Brian and I were on vacation, we could still use some nice thundershowers. Things dry out fast in this type of heat.


tilia_tomentosa July 17 2012, 00:39:55 UTC
We had a regular daily maximum of about 37C (for at least two weeks here, and it was no fun. It's pretty normal for the middle July (with a little extra from the global warming and/or maybe a local warming compared to my childhood), but I think it started a little too early this year.

Our Silver Lindens are perfectly adapted to hot and dry summer weather, and even the mulberry trees that aren't of the most resistant species have no yellow leaves yet (yay for silkworm food!) Even the wild grasses cope well enough for now.


blt4success66 July 17 2012, 00:17:14 UTC
Wow, it does get warm there! It's 100 degrees F here today and by the middle of the week it's going to be EVEN warmer.

I don't know why I think this but I always envisioned Russia and all those eastern European countries are forever frozen in snow.

Silly childhood Communist cold war mind pictures....


tilia_tomentosa July 17 2012, 00:35:15 UTC
LOL Paul, even Russia isn't "forever frozen in snow," and the climate here in Bulgaria is much milder than there.

Just don't remind me of the Cold War time and my childhood fearс that the American ImperialistsTM would start a nuclear war on us! :)

We had a regular daily maximum of about 37C (98.6F) for at least two weeks here, and it was no fun. It's pretty normal for the middle July (with a little extra from the global warming and/or maybe a local warming compared to my childhood), but I think it started a little too early this year.


blt4success66 July 17 2012, 04:10:14 UTC
The only problem with hot weather is that my allergies/asthma tend get icky.

I'm ready for Fall...but we desperately need rain.


tilia_tomentosa July 18 2012, 00:44:23 UTC

I don't want Fall yet, just more moderate heat. :)


maxauburn July 17 2012, 03:57:15 UTC
We've had quite a few 100 degree days here already and I am sick of summer.

I am one "American Imperialist ™" who does not want a nuclear war with anyone!

A game of Parchesi is more to my liking. ;)


tilia_tomentosa July 18 2012, 00:42:56 UTC
Well, not all Americans of the Cold War era were Imperialists - there was some Oppressed Proletariat too. ;)


maxauburn July 18 2012, 00:57:37 UTC
And some of us are simply disenfranchised outsiders. ;)


paterson_si July 17 2012, 21:17:01 UTC
We had around 34 for two weeks or less and it almost killed me. :)


tilia_tomentosa July 18 2012, 00:41:58 UTC
LOL you wouldn't have survived here.


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