Rain! :)

Jul 16, 2012 19:32

At last some rain, at loooong last! :)

The weather site says it's 33C outside (that's 91.4F), and even this feels like "cooler weather". It's already almost stopped, but if the clouds last long enough, we'll finally get some relief from the heat and not just higher air humidity that makes breathing more difficult. *is hopeful*

I didn't post much this week because I was in "slow motion mode" from the heat and because I haven't managed to gather all my Sofia Pride photos from other people's cameras yet. :( I try not to keep the computer on much when I'm not working because it generates extra heat, but I do have to work today, so I'm very grateful for the rain.

*goes back to her work*

Sorry, the wind won't let me make a better photo of the raindrops on the leaves.

Yes, dan4behr, that's the same green LADA. :)

summer, cars of the communist era, photo posts

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