I don't celebrate anything today

Feb 14, 2010 18:20

St Valentine's day is too "foreign" for me, and the imported version is probably even more commercial than the "original". I'm glad that I'm spared the little red/pink heart-shaped cushions that were made in China! LOL And there is no need to get specially depressed for not having a boyfriend today.

I also don't feel inclined to celebrate the St Trifon (Tryphon)'s Day we have here, which is a Christianized echo of the cult to Dyonisus. In case you are interested, it's the day of the ritual beginning of the pruning of vines (and a good excuse for some people to get drunk on wine, LOL). Here is a good enough description in English, but I'm sure there are different regional versions. I admit that I've just never been specially interested in the holiday myself.

And now I'm just going out for a walk.
 EDIT; Oops, I'd better not go out because it started to rain. :)

bulgarian customs

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