Jun 27, 2007 09:03
Is it bad that I'm only 4 days into this new job and I'm already dreading going every single day? I mean, the people are nice enough (there's only about 2 other women I work with all day long..) but they have their history together and seeing as I'm a "summer-only" kind of employee, they don't really feel the need to include me in it. Fine, whatever, it's all dandy to me. But I mean, I've pretty much killed my hands/fingers at this job and really want to just bring a box of bandaids so I can protect my fingertips from those vicious vicious fishing hooks (damn barbs!) but that'd just look a bit crazy wasting 10 bandaids a day for the rest of summer...so I guess I'll just suffer through it haha. And now we're doing inventory...all I can say about that is "Fuck that shit!" It's actually ridiculous- sitting there, counting bags of lures/I'm not really sure what you'd call some of them and recounting just to make sure you didn't mess up because, somehow, we're missing 30 bags of lures (they're not even sure what kind- fun!) and we've got to find them...oh joy. Also, is it bad that at the end of everyday I'm figuring out how much money I'm making because that's the only reason I keep going back to the job?