Good stuff

Jun 22, 2007 13:46

1) I accepted the job offer. They have to do a background check, which should not be an issue, and a drug test, which also should not be an issue. The start date will be determined after the check and the test. Yay!

2) Accent wants to go with me to gaming on Saturday. He went two weeks ago with me. He likes the people and he grew up playing board games. More yay!

3) Accent watched "Serenity" (the series pilot episode, not the movie) last night with me. He liked it. He came down with some sort of stomach bug in the middle of night, and considerately left me to sleep in the bed while he tried to grab bits of sleep on the couch - and while he was awake, watched the other two episodes on the disk. He is now officially a Browncoat, and has added the rest of the series and the movie to his Netflix queue. Even more yay!

4) Accent is very cool with my identity. I told him I was going to Pride on Sunday, because I've been missing the community, and his response was, "Well, of course," with a shrug. I suspect that if I had asked him to come along, he would have, but I don't want the two of us to overdose on premature togetherness, and since I had a date with him last night and we've scheduled another date tomorrow night, I wanted to make sure he had enough time for himself. I'm not interested in smothering him. He and his kids are going on a week's vacation starting Tuesday, so I know he has things to do before they go, plus he probably needs just some solo time.

5) He has invited me to his landlord's July 4th BBQ, and he will have the kids with him. He is going to introduce me to the boys as a friend of his, and we'll be refraining from any PDA, because we both agree that it's much too early to have the kids think of me as "Dad's girlfriend." He does have quite a few female platonic friends, so the boys should have no reason to think of me as anything else. Even if he pats my arm or hugs me, that shouldn't be a big deal, because Accent is very demonstrative with everyone, in terms of things likes hugs or pats on the shoulder or just general non-sexual physical contact, which is the norm in the country of Accent's birth. And amazingly, I'm only slightly terrified! :-)

work, social, dating

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