Apr 30, 2009 12:56
Does food get any better than this?
You get a hankering for greens...grab a plastic bag, take a walk to your CSA garden. Chat with your farmer/friend and give him a gift of seeds...look forward to seeing those seeds growing later in the season. Taste something you've never tasted before (in this case, spinach-like orach greens). Smell the apple blossoms. Listen to the bees working happily, warmed by the sun.
All the greens are going to seed, so the garden looks like a waist-high meadow of yellow and white flowers. Fill your plastic bag with broccoli-like flower buds of turnips, kale, collards, and mustard greens. Anticipate their juiciness from the tender snap of the stems. Walk home, give the greens a quick rinse and cook with olive oil, garlic (from another farmer/friend), red pepper flakes, and a drop of red wine vinegar. Eat and enjoy.