
Apr 29, 2004 20:05

It's been another long while...Lots of stuff to write!

First of all, the play went pretty well, not too much in the crowds...but I did make some people cry when I died! (Brownie point!) Though some people did laugh when I was thrusting my chest out to make it look like I was shocked...Any-who...Oh yes, I must point out that my sisters fish, Gumpy, passed away yesterday morning from old age. This is my eulogy to the one called Gumpy. Gumpy wasn't just a fish, he was a fish we had rescued from the 'Ick' filled aquariums of Wal-Mart (a.k.a. Certain Death of fishes that live there longer than a week)...But this fish was a fighter. Bought in the 6th grade by my father, Thomas, as a small gift just for the heck of it. At first there were some worries that these fish would only last a few months before they went belly-up. But no, this fish had lived as a Tikkanen for FOUR whole wonderful years. At the funeral in the great room where the porcelain basin of water awaits the fish corpse, we held a small ceremony of just close family and friends. With words from all of us, he was swept away to the last words of "Have a good swim"...and swim he did. Goodbye Gumpy, you will be missed. On the brighter side of things, today was really warm. But I miss Gabe horribly. But she did surprise me with her new car, lucky hoe! Just kidding! I told her about Stacey who keeps telling people things like Gabe is almost deadly ill, though she would know because Stacey never calls her. DAMN YOU ANNOYING GIRL! But I do need to get going, need to find a ride to the dance Friday. Tootles! (Get Well Soon Gabe!)
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