Cirque Freak...

Apr 15, 2004 20:58

Hello. Didn't write for a in a little trouble and was grounded from the compter for the weekend. Easter was good...ate some chocolate. But oh god...All I did was watch Cirque Du Soleil the whole time. It was Cirque Weekend on Bravo and my eyes were glued to the television set. Now, the thing is, when I really like something a lot...It is always on my mind for some periods of time...After a while...the small obsession goes away. But the thing is...My obsession with Cirque is the though of not seeing it live (Though I really want too) but I would LOVE to be in it. I can't explain the feeling when I think about this. I don't know what I would be in it...But wouldn't it be really cool? My tummy flips at the thought of it. Just look at, its beautiful! My favorite show so far would have to be Verekai. I don't know why...the theme was great...The characters where well done. Bit for some reason, there was a solo...It wasn't much of a solo. It was called Solo on Crutches. Preformed by Vladimir Ignatenkov, it did not catch my eye at first...It is very simple, but now I love it! (Plus he was kind of hot...He had no shirt on for the solo...Wee!) He preformed this sort of dance but on these rounded crutches...he was on them the whole show...But it was really cool... But like, bah, I can't get over it...My tummy is flipping now! I have some photos of Vladimir below to show you his costume and stuff though they are not that good. But I need to get going...Need to stretch and relax. Good Night!

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