Title: Afternoon Soap (Mythklok Interstitial)
Author: tikistitch
Rating: PG-13
Summary: TV Time at Mordhaus!
Warnings: Slash, AU, OCs, swearing.
wikdsushi kind of requested this, but as usual, when I write to prompts, things get odd. Oh, and I have Ch. 21-26 ready, and all are pretty short. I will probably start rolling them out this weekend.
Afternoon Soap )
Comments 4
Heheheheh, so amused at Dick sitting on the floor with the women, gushing over the long-haired douchebag. It works, ya know?
Toki, do I need to eat you out? Of the pile, I meant. Really. The pile! *scoots away from Isis and Nephthys, just in case*
And they like the long haired guy BECAUSE he is a douche bag.
I just think Toki needs twins. And Isis and Nephthys are supposed to be birth and death, among their other duties. :D
(Can I just say that the image I got of cinnamon buns whizzing through the air [and making whizzing noies to boot, just cause] and then plonking someone in the head was immensely funny? XD)
And the fact that it happened just when it seemed that the initial aforementioned soap-related mini-feud and possibly any that followed henceforth would be resolved with little to no silliness made it all the more awesome. :D
Doesn't it seem like, seriously, Dethklok would be the kind of guys who would end up addicted to a silly soap opera? I mean, they're hanging around all day, watching TV.
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