Jun 15, 2015 20:04
For those of you that don't know, I started my Masters degree, again. I changed my major, again. I think I have settled on a major, finaly. Masters in Educational Leadership in Higher Education / Community College. I am taking Educational Research over the summer, and even managed to pay for it by myself - no loans just saving up. My work will reemburse me up to $5,000 per year with proof of a passing grade. I choose school in lu of moving out. I still managed to have enough for Burning Man (Which I got a job with the Crisis Intervention Team - Domestic Violence / Sexual Assult Division) I super forgot how much discipline and work on-line classes are. I absolutly HATE the discussions. They are stupid. Posting our own thing is cool, reading other's is cool, but forced to comment (in a meaningful way) on THREE other people's posts is rediculous. But the road to becoming Dr. La Velle is worth it. I have all sorts of ideas for a doctorial discertation and lots of people to help.
A bunch of stuff in my personal life is less than great, but my carrer is on an amazing track! I'm excited about it.
I haven't moved out yet, but I am working towards fixing the White Hills house up to get it in working livable order. We are also waiting to get an apointment with a marriage counslor. We shall see.