
Sep 07, 2017 15:55

When you have tons of things to do and you're totally stressed out because of the things you haven't done you start watching a new TV show.


And so I'm watching Scandal, still in S1, mostly because they keep talking about it on The West Wing Weekly and making comparisons with the show.

Overall, I'm enjoying the show so far. And like I said I'm still in S1 but I like most of the characters fine. Except...

S1 Scandal spoilers

Am I supposed to be finding the whole Olivia Pope and Fitz Grant thing romantic?

Because at the moment, I'm like tutting and shaking my head at Olivia going omg you can do so much better wtf do you see in this guy? Like in the 1st or 2nd episode, after finding out that Amanda was telling the truth about her affair with Fitz, Olivia goes to confront him and he basically says it's because she left him and omg what was he supposed to do??? And at one point I think she says something like 'Don't touch me' or something twice and he grabs her anyway?


The current episode I'm watching (I took a break in the middle because it was annoying me so much) has flashbacks to his campaign when Olivia and Fitz meet for the first time. I guess the whole thing was supposed to show the audience that his marriage is loveless and Mellie is a cold manipulative wife whose ambition drives her to lie about miscarriage and how the love between Olivia and Fitz is something almost instantaneous and something so strong that they can't ignore.

Except... She's looking at him being cute with a cute baby and smiling and he's just unprofessionally and stupidly looming over and around her in a campaign office surrounded by people and then they just step outside the busy office and stands just outside the door closely together and apparently stand there for just 1 minute and it's supposed to be a clandestine romantic thing? And then Mellie opens the door and sees them and Fitz is surprised way later (in non-flashback scene in an earlier ep) when it turns out Mellie knew about he and Olivia?

I'm surprised that it wasn't an open secret that everyone involved in the campaign knew about what with how stupid they were being about the affair! I mean they both go into Fitz's hotel room together! With Olivia still with her luggage! WHAT? WHO DOES THAT? Like surely the LEAST they can do is have Olivia leave the unwieldy luggage in her own room and then knock on his door later? Surely that makes more sense???

URGH I'm just throwing my hands in the air at this point.

I actually might be less annoyed if they'd just wrote it as a lust thing and not a tragic love that can never be or something. Because I just find him sleazy and selfish and annoying and I feel so sorry for Mellie at the moment. Like you poor thing, you deserve someone so much better, no wonder you couldn't bear to look at his face!!!!

Now I'm all ranted out, I think I can go back to the episode. I'm hoping Olivia sees sense soon and just be done with Fitz but knowing how TV shows like to drag out these things I'm guessing Olivia and Fitz will carry on their thing on and off through the seasons and we're all supposed to find it all so romantic.

Maybe Fitz will grow on me? And I'll find him charming and lovable and great and charismatic (all the things I'm supposed to see him as but I don't at all) and worth all the stupidity? Who knows.

Oh, also just randomly, whenever Cyrus is mentioned I can't help but add 'the Virus' at the end. Ahahaha

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tv: scandal, tv, podcast: the west wing weekly

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