late as always....

Sep 04, 2017 22:30

I recently got into listening to podcast. I've never been one of those people who could have earphones while walking listening to whatever. I don't like the feeling of not knowing when a car (or even a bike) might suddenly speed by without any warning. So I never got into the habit of listening to music/radio/whatever in public.

I guess that's why it took me a while (a year!) before it hit me that I now live in a perfect place to listen to things walking to and from uni. Ahahahaha self, you're so slow....

The path I take between my flat and uni is a footpath where you can't even cycle. So I can relax without having to worry about cars and bikes crashing into me. And hence the recent hobby of listening to podcasts.

I heard Serial is pretty good. But I'm not really a huge fan of true crime genre which is funny because I really like fictional crime shows and detective stories. On the other hand, I really enjoyed Making a Murderer, so maybe I'll give Serial a go.

What I'm really enjoying currently though is The West Wing Weekly!

I've been a fan of it since
morganmuffle introduced me to it so many years ago. Or maybe I was just sitting in the living room at the time when she was watching the show on tv and was kind enough to explain wtf was going on with the episode!

And listening to it (I'm still in S1) is bringing back the love. :D

At first I was worried because I thought it could be too uncritically complimentary since Joshua Malina is a currently working actor who might be too worried about stepping on anyone's toes and having adverse effect in his career somehow. But thankfully, he and his co-host Hrishikesh Hirway (whom I confess never heard of until this but excellent here) provide a nice balanced chatter (so far) that's interesting to listen to and informative. When they don't like something they do say they don't like it and why and the discussions are great when they disagree with each other.

It's also nice to hear the things I noticed/thought about being mentioned on the show and it's good to have background information that I didn't know about on US laws/politics (fictional or otherwise).

It also gives me strange feelings listening sometimes because since I'm still in S1, the podcasts were recorded pre-Trump...

Do you guys have favourite podcast that you'd like to recommend?

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tv: the west wing, tv, podcast, podcast: the west wing weekly

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