Meatpacking District

May 30, 2011 00:10

Went to Manhattan this weekend, sadly disappointed my favorite area was the Meatpacking District but it's not the same. The Meatpacking District was a place for all people to get together, it was known for underground clubs, it was gritty, dirty, full of graffiti and it had it's own very real and very welcoming charm. All types of people went to various clubs. It was called the Meatpacking District because years ago there were big meat packing markets and the meat was cheaper their than in bucther shops (my grandmother went there each week for a long time). People flocked there during the depression. Overtime the evolutionin of that area split in half part meat packing / part underground clubs and stayed that way for a very long time. Now it's full of trendy hot spots, velvet ropes, exclusive lounges and clubs, all glitz and glamor for the rich people to play in. It was the only place where everyone got together, gay, straight, bisexual, trans(gender)-(sexual), rich, poor, the famous, the young through the old - all were welcomed and all were never made to feel out of place. In the many underground clubs you could find almost anything you wanted: fetish clubs, music/dance clubs, LGBT clubs, performance art, installments, biker bars, installation art, etc. It was dark and as I said gritty and it was GREAT! Now it's posh like most Manhattan areas with the exception of the lower East side - which my friends and I all agree we will be relocating to for our enjoyment. Bye west side it was great knowing you when you were REAL.

The old Meatpacking District (found online)

A picture I took, the last thing in the area that looks like the old Meatpacking District, I'm sure it will be replaced soon so I took a picture of it.
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