Copy and paste life.

May 30, 2008 23:01

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

I did some Google-fu on IR:TNP because a friend said she had, and couldn't find anything. The first things that came up were my last two lj posts on the subject, along with some links about the RP, and lots of info on the DNA material called IR tnp. I cruised through the various mentions, and came on an lj that had IR:TNP in it... somewhere. It was found by LJ Seek, but as I accessed the journal, I found that this person had nothing to do with our RP. I couldn't even find the RP's name on her journal. Then I recognized that the IR:TNP was followed by some of my other tags... for some reason my tags had gotten mixed up with this person's account. Don't know why or how, but I think it was something odd from LJ Seek, not Google.

But that's not the really bizarre part. One of the last Google matches was a blog on Blogspot, one that was for a guy. Yeah, a guy. He - if it was a he - had a few entries for 2005. And one of them was mine. A blog entry about my writing spree on Masquerade, then doing housework. I knew it was mine when I read it, and I had to wonder: why? Why me? Who does something like that? This guy even had an entry written in Spanish (it looked like Spanish, and certainly wasn't French - though it could just as easily been Portuguese or Italian). All these very disparate blog entries and I'll bet dollars to donuts that not one of them was his.

Again, who does something like this? I've heard about someone who posted the journal of a popular, well-respected writer who had passed away, plagiarizing her fanfiction and her thoughts, claiming them as his own. When pressed about it, he gave some song and dance about having known the deceased, yadda, yadda. No one believed him. Is this a prevalent thing, this copying of someone's life? Stitching together bits and pieces of others' experiences to create a sham one of your own? It almost feels like dealing with "Lucie" all over again, especially when she was doing all that copy/pasting bits and pieces of fics, and adding some of her own illegible and incoherent sentences to make it "new". Had it been a more personal entry (or he'd continued doing it), I might have had the same sucker-punch-to-the-gut feeling I had when I was plagiarized. As it is, I feel more of a blink-blink-blink-I-can't-believe-it confusion.

The blog only encompassed a few months in 2005, and seems to be abandoned, for which I'm grateful. I don't think I'm going to pursue it any further. If it was an active blog, yeah. I'd scream bloody murder. But at this point it seems to be moot. I doubt I could find the owner at this date, and if I did, I doubt he'd do anything. This one isn't worth fighting about, and I've learned to choose my battles.

Speaking of battles, there's a self-proclaimed flamer on who has written a foul-mouthed "review" on JulesDPM's latest fic. I've read the story, and it doesn't deserve what this troll is dishing out. She's doing it for kicks, and for the response. So any of you Thunderbirds fans out there, please go by and report the flame as abuse, which is exactly what it is. Just report, don't respond. Thanks much!

plagiarism, ir:tnp, life in general, blogs

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