
May 21, 2008 21:34

The forum at IR:TNP was pretty much trashed by the server. Rain went in and tried to salvage it, but to no avail. Everything got corrupted, and we lost almost all the suggestion box stuff and the feedback boards. Fortunately, I'd copied the timelines over - they're more important than you'd think and almost impossible to reconstruct without a lot of hassle. Basically, if I had transferred it to Yuku, we still had it. Makes me sad that I didn't copy over all the suggestion box stuff while I had the chance.

She set up a new version of the FUD boards (we do like the script and it was a server problem, after all). We're slowly getting the archives back online - chapter 11 was missing quite a bit at the end, but between Liz, Lauren and me, we were able to put it all back together. We did lose two of the sprites - John and Scott in their plain clothes. But Rain had all the rest and even had a couple that we hadn't expected. Then she went and created a few more! The Hood is especially exquisite - she put a lot of detail into something that's just a few pixels wide and long. Marvelous work!

I'm up next to post, I believe, so I'll spend a little bit of time writing my next bit. But I have so much more I want to do: finish the chapter of TWW that got interrupted by all this forum drama, clean the house (which is always with me but is bugging me more than usual), finish printing off my longer fics to paper for future editing, just a lot of things clamoring for my attention... like the dog. Something funny, though. Boy #1 was working on his Physical Science "virtual classroom" course, and while she waited for her turn to get on my computer, the Girl started reading Masquerade (which I'd taken down so I could dust the shelf and put it up again with book ends). She said she was sucked right into it, even though she was coming in after the first volume, and really liked it! So much so that she warned me not to lose her place! It was cool to hear her laughing over some of the funnier stuff I put into the story.  Really makes me want to print off everything! Going to have to get a couple more black ink cartridges, and maybe some more paper, too!

Well, onward and upward!

ir:tnp, writing

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