Clean Uberhood: The Peterson family

Jun 30, 2011 18:56

I have played the Clean Uberhood (by meetme2theriver ) since the 24th of December 2009 and finally started my second complete round!!!!! I did not realize it had taken me THAT long, but I checked the dates of my first pictures and have to believe it. So, the Uberhood is a huge task - but it's so fun, that I'm going to keep on playing it until it blows up.

The first household of my round is the Peterson family in Belladonna Cove: single mother Jessica and her toddler Alvin. His father is Aldric Davis - from the Uni hoods - who is not going to join the family (at least I think he won't unless the sims want otherwise). Jessica lives in the trailer park and makes a living by being a hooker. I've never liked her

So, Jessica is a hooker and also a cougar. She seems to prefer young guys, like Aldric. Here she's getting down to business with Mitch Indie who recently graduated from the University.

Then Jessica glitched and Mitch went through the motions.

And after Mitch finished, Jessica got the sparklies under the covers all by herself. Well, that's how it goes sometimes.

I did not know that you can get pregnant that way, but there's always the first time.

"What kind of parent lets her child go hungry...? " (Or something like that ... I'm sure you are familiar with this pop-up.)

This kind of parent.... Yep, she has all the symptoms of a pregnancy.

Jessica's life is going downhill fast: the landlady came to collect the outstanding rent...

... poor little Alvin has no toys, so he is constantly playing in the puddles in the bathroom. And there are plenty of puddles since the shower is broken.

While mother Jessica is earning their daily bread somewhere, Alvin's only friend and companion is the incompetent nanny,...

... who rather hangs out with Jessica's neighbours.

Speaking of the neighbours:

they are quite a bunch: two of them spend their time on the yard even sleeping out there, while one neighbour is laughing at their distress.

This one guy woke up just to pee his pants and his friend's feet. That's all these two dudes do - complain, pass out and pee.

While all this was going on at home, Jessica was out hunting customers and advertising her services. Buzz is thrilled by Jessica's latest offer.

Then she found another prospective client and another uni graduate, Guy Wrightley.

Jessica: "Fancy trying out something hot?  You pay me and I'll arrange some red hot soup for you...."

Guy had to contemplate the offer for a while, so Jessica sat down at the bar with Catherine Viejo.

Catherine: "I'm so old that have nothing to offer for the guys. My bowl is nearly empty!"

Guy finally decided that he liked Jessica's soup. The bartender finds it puzzling, that these young lads always fall for this old bitch.

Jessica is ready to go down to business right then and there, but Guy at least has some decency. The soup has to wait for a better occasion.

Disappointed, Jessica finds her way to the bar...

... and can't believe she has to spend the evening with this old hag.

But after a few drinks she's feeling a lot more cheerful and her company does not seem quite so bad anymore.

A random shot of Elizabeth Aspir with a truly golden hair.

Three generations of ladies having a chat in the hot tub.

Catherine Viejo: "I'm so old that no amount of paint can cover up my wrinkles."

Sam Thomas (another recent uni graduate): "You should try and hide you face behind a hat..."

Elizabeth Aspir: "Make sure that the brim is this wide so it hides your mug completely!"

Jenny Smith is very disturbed by the insensitivity of her company. Her own elderhood is looming in the near future.

Yay, the pregnancy is starting to show. And the bathroom is still filthy.

"My neighbours are looking more and more like ghosts."

You're not doing much better yourself. Is the idiocy catching?

At least he finds his own trailer.

Either the condition is spreading or the winter is really cold. Anyway, Jessica thinks it's hot to be cold.

Mickey Dosser and co are there for Alvin's birthday. Apparently I did not take a picture of Alvin after he grew up.

While the party was going on indoors, the hostess decided to join her neighbours out on the yard

And little Alvin sleeps standing up in the filthy bathroom dreaming about the college education he'll probably never have. In spite of all this, the party was a success.

And after the guests left, both Alvin and Jessica found their way into their bed. And yes, they share the big bed, because there is not enough room for another one in the trailer.

Alvin is really, really happy to finally get out of the trailer park.

But Jessica is not happy at all. "Why, oh why did I leave Armand DeBateau and the comfortable life?? My life is not fun at all. I'm stuck in this cramped trailer with a kid and another on the way. I can't even afford proper maternity clothes and have to go around in this ridiculous jogging suit all day." (Her everyday clothes do not have preg morphs but the track suit does.)

on top of everything, the trailers are apparently quite cold, since the neighbour is still freezing after spending the night indoors. I see Guy finally came over for the soup, ....

... but got just grilled cheese sandwiches. He still seems quite content. Little Alvin is not happy at all seeing his mother flirting with a strange guy.

See how sad he looks. He's the saddest looking little boy in my game. And he loves green: he grew into green everyday clothes as well as green outerwear and bath robe.

In the middle of her date with Guy, Jessica all of a sudden rolls the want to marry Gilbert Jacquet.

This immediately gave me a flashback of her date with Aldric, when all she could think of was Gilbert. Hmmm.....

Jessica tells Guy about her difficulties...

... and Guy is an awesome guy and brings a little something to help Jessica out.

But he's also a moron and locks himself on the porch with his gift. While he tries to gain the courage to jump over the railing...

... Jessica goes into labour.

Meet Alaina Peterson.

Alvin is overjoyed that he finally has someone to play with.

But his joy did not last long. He gets scolded for breaking the TV. Aww, he looks soooo sad.

Jessica wants to invite Gilbert over for a date and I indulge her. The creepy neighbour is also a stalker.

Little Alvin is devastated seeing his mother with another guy once again, poor sod.

But Jessica could not be happier. Finally a date when she completely focuses on her partner. And I locked that want just in case. But Jessica should not rejoice too soon - see Gilbert's fears.

"All the kids at school are going out on a skiing holiday. I want to go skiing, too, mom!"

Alvin's hopes were quickly shot down.

Aww, how sad he looks :( .

"Is it because you are pregnant again? All the kids at school call you a slut and a baby making machine. Why do they call you that, mum?"

Alvin is a lonely child who never brings friends home from school. He spends way too much time alone in the playground.

I had Jessica invite his father, Aldric Davis, over so he can bond with his son. Aldric brought his friend Ripp along.

Alvin immediately brings up his wish of going for a skiing holiday with his dad. I don't think that will happen any time soon: Aldric is newly graduated and still unemployed. But no harm trying, Alvin.

Ripp seems to love kids so he heads straight to Alaina's crib. Sweet.

A POP - rejoice everyone! (Just for *fun*, I set Jessica up to try for a baby every time she woohoos and she's very fertile.)

The neighbours qre getting so annoying. I checked their stats and they were all in the red - why don't they die? Not even the lightning killed him.

It is now that Jessica decides that it's high time to do something to get her family out of this horrible neighbourhood. So to improve her situation she tries to find a job. But there are no openings for an uneducated single mother, so she succumbs to crime (her LTW is to become a criminal mastermind).

No party for Alaina's birthday.

Alaina: "Pretty lamp ...

... and I can hang from it."

Finally Alvin can play with someone! And his mother has to spoil the moment by complaining about it.

Little Alaina makes some cute faces...

... although her eyes are popping out weirdly.

It's spring now and the two lazy neighbours have finally defrosted. But they still can't find their apartments....

Potty training face.

I don't know why she looks so happy there??? There's no room in the trailer and she's expecting twins according to the pregnancy scanner. Time to invoke plan B - get a rich husband (you know who I'm thinking of.)

Warnings: pixelated nudity, sexual references etc.

maxis, clean uberhood, round 2, belladonna cove

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