Apr 18, 2008 08:29
I got home from work yesterday, turned on my computer, and got that wonderful "hard drive? what hard drive?" flashing question mark of doom. So. There is a possibility there's a quick fix--i.e., I find my hardware/software restore discs (I turned the apt. upside down looking for them last night, but couldn't find them) or get the computer place to run them for me tomorrow. But then again, since I didn't even get the flashing question mark this morning, I'm suddenly a lot more worried.
The good news is that I have backups of every story I was working on before this. Maybe not the most recent, tweaked draft, but something that means I won't be recreating far too many words.
So. I may be gone for awhile, especially since my old computer no longer works enough for me to check in sporadically. Or I might be back tomorrow, if the computer people can work their computery magic. But if I disappear for an extended period of time, that's what's going on. If anyone needs to get in touch with me for any reason, my email is tigs08@gmail.com. I can check that at work.
Hopefully this is just a big scare, but if not... I'll be back sometime!
ETA 4/20/08: Computer is definitely sick. I'll be back in 2-ish weeks. See you all on the other side!