Wesley Snipes Goes to Jail -- so stupid!

Dec 09, 2010 18:37


People need to get their priorities straight: Banks destroy the economy costing taxpayers trillions that can never be paid off; furthermore, people get robbed of their homes by means of fraudulent foreclosures; and this tax protestor is publicly humiliated, verbally attacked/shunned, and jailed because he refuses to go along with the crimes perpetrated and permitted to be perpetrated by this government.

And, don't give me some bullshit like, "What? You don't like schools and roads?" Paying the IRS doesn't pay for your crap schools and crap roads/bridges that are falling apart. You want to be "American?" Well, here is something American for you: "no taxation without representation."   Every kid that will be born on these lands will be forced by the barrel of a gun (i.e. threat) to assume this national debt (the criminalization of Wesley Snipes proves this), and he/she has no say in the matter because they're not born, and there is no legally protected recourse because withholding payment is a crime.

Saying we live in the best country in world is like saying, "My crap smells better than yours."

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