I knew the stakes were high right from the start - SN fic - PG

Jun 02, 2007 08:40

Title: I knew the stakes were high right from the start
Fandom: "Supernatural"
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun. Title from "The Cowboy Rides Away" by George Strait.
Warnings: spoilers for "All Hell Breaks Loose" pt2
Pairings: Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 215
Point of view: third

The year's up tomorrow.  Sam can't believe it's come so soon.

"Don't you dare die for me."  Dean's voice is no more than a murmur, barely there.  Sam just pulls him closer.

Dean'll leave the instant Sam falls asleep, will go far away so that Sam's not in danger, and Sam doesn't want to let him go, to lose him--

"Don't leave me," Sam whispers, burying his face in Dean's neck.  "Please."

Dean twists his fingers in Sam's hair.  "Gotta go, Sammy," he says.  "But you live, okay?  Go out there and fuckin' live."

"Don't wanna."  Sam doesn't care that he sounds all of six again.  "Not without you."

Dean's mouth is soft on his forehead, then his lips.  "I don't regret it, Sammy.  I can't."

Sam smiles, tears making the world swim.  "I do."

Dean nods, wiping Sam's tears away.  "I know."  He inhales deeply, kissing Sam like he's dying.

The year's up tomorrow and Sam doesn't want to sleep away Dean's last moments.

"Why'd you make that deal?" Sam asks, even though he's known the answer from his first breath.

"Couldn't do anythin' else," Dean replies.

"I hate you for it," he whispers.

Dean's smile is like the sunrise. "I know."

The year is up tomorrow and Sam's helpless to save Dean. 

fic, fanfic: supernatural, title: i, point of view: third person, rated pg, wordcount: drabble, tv fic

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