"All Hell Breaks Loose" pt2

May 17, 2007 07:06


Remember how I said I’d be dead at the end of last ep? Triple that for watching this ep, please.

Hey, today's the seventeenth.  Seventeen's my favorite number.  Shout-out!

*cough* If I were writing a fic wherein Dean grew up as Gordon's toy(guard dog, hunting dog, sex-slave), would anyone be interested in reading it once it got posted?  *innocent eyes*

So far I have over a dozen things to post. Not all “Supernatural,” too! *hee* So, should I post the SN ones first and then the others? Or maybe post one SN and one other fandom together?   But I’ve decided I won’t be posting anything till Sunday(as, after the finale? We’ll all be dead.) I’ll start leaving comments again, though, catch up on everything I’ve missed.

My second semester of college? I think I’ll have a 3.3. Not as good as last semester, but I’m still pleased with it.

Also? Guess what? I’m STILL going to DALLAS!!!!!!!!! *twirls in joy* *plans on what to give bigsis as a thank you*

I convinced my mom’s secretary to watch “All Hell Breaks Loose” pt one and she’s tuning in tonight to see how it ends! She’s a SamGirl ‘cause she used to watch CuteSammyDean on GG. Also, lots of people my mom works with watch Our Show! I was so giggly when I ate lunch with Mom and found out. *giggles*

Back when I was a major “Charmed” and BtVS fan, I had this pet theory that Xander Harris was Phoebe and Cole’s kid, and after the Seer(moron) took the baby out of Phoebe’s womb and burst into flame, the kid traveled back in time and became Xander. I wrote quite a few lil’ficlets about that scenario. And now that I’ve grown exponentially in skill(believe me-I sucked) I kinda wanna return to it.

Lindsey McDonald? Is my favorite WhedonVerse character, I’ve decided. Followed swiftly by Xander and Connor. I also quite like Tara, Oz, and Illyria.  Spike was cool for seasons two-five of BtVS and then five for “Angel.”

So, I’ve tracked down some Christian Kane movies. *sigh* Before SN, I’d’a never done this.

I’ll get to everybody’s comments tomorrow, after I fail the Macroeconomics final.
 Now, do you prefer first, second, or third person in stories?

Also, did I mention?  THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

life, dallas, episode anticipation, school, poll, undergrad, werewolf!dean 'verse, writing

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