previous idea posts:
I II III IV Idea the First:
So, let's say there's a witch. We'll call her Mary. She's about a 3 on the magic scale(1-5). However, she's got this kid--we'll call him Dean. Now, just suppose Mary is descended from a line of elementals or something, and POWER skipped a generation or twelve, and on a scale of 1-5, Dean's a
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I should specify that I want to read it.
God! Your brain is awesome, please don't stop posting your plot bunnies.
Would you still want to read it if I mentioned that, in my daydream, it was wincest?
Then I'd have to write the non-incest version of it. Take that!
By the way, not to be a bother, but I think the Atlantic ate Eric Close's TV show. *sniffles*
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