previous idea posts:
I II III IV Idea the First:
So, let's say there's a witch. We'll call her Mary. She's about a 3 on the magic scale(1-5). However, she's got this kid--we'll call him Dean. Now, just suppose Mary is descended from a line of elementals or something, and POWER skipped a generation or twelve, and on a scale of 1-5, Dean's a fifteen. Well, seventeen, since that's the best number. Nice enough boy, all things considered, though he has some weird quirks, like summoning demons. But he meant well, he really did.
With me so far?
Now, there's also this guy called John. But he's only called John when he's wearing his human-shape. Otherwise, he's the Overlord of All That is Evil and Dark. Nasty fellow, really. So, he's got this kid, a son. Nice enough boy, really, if you can look past being the Heir of All That is Evil and Dark. Few can.
So, Dean's trying to summon a lower-level demon, right? But he's got all this POWER he doesn't know about and the spell goes a little, well--screwy. And suddenly he's got the Heir of All That is Evil and Dark in his lap. And a mite pissed off.
By the way, in case you couldn't tell? The Heir of All That is Evil and Dark?
Is Sam.
Idea the Second:
It begins about a year in the future, sometime in 2008. Dean's in a mental hospital while some doctors try and figure out if he's sane enough to stand trial. A tracking device he isn't supposed to know about has been implanted in his wrist, and that's the one reason he hasn't escaped yet. He hasn't seen Sam since he was captured.
He talks with the doctors, they discuss his childhood, and finally decide he's sane enough.
Meanwhile, Sam's been at Bobby's. Bobby tells him that he can go about his life, because there's no way Dean's getting out of this mess. But Sam says that Dean's his, the one thing he's got left, and he won't let Dean go.
So, during the trial Dean's a good boy. He's polite, respectful, and kind. There's about fifteen times as many guards as usual. It's a media-frenzy, and people Dean helped in the past have come out to support him.
When he politely asks the judge if he can use the bathroom, the judge says yes. Five guards go with him.
Dean is honestly shocked to see Sam enter the bathroom and take out the guards.
Tearful reunion scene where Dean tells Sam to go, get the Hell out of Dodge, live his life. Sam eventually convinces Dean to come with him by saying that if Dean doesn't he'll go on a rampage and kill people, ending up right where Dean is.
And they go.
(ETA: snippet by
lucywiggin here)
Idea the Third:
How about a crossover with
The Legend of Nightfall wherein Dean and/or Sam is/are dropped into Nightfall's world?
Idea the Fourth:
How's about a "Magnificent Seven" ATF crossover wherein John and the boys meet up with Vin during his bounty hunting days? Then, Dean runs into him again after Sam's gone to Stanford.
Idea the Fifth:
How about a crossover with the movie
Road Kill wherein Dean meets up with Blue sometime prior to 1999?
Idea the Sixth:
Tessa the Reaper goes to Roswell and kills Tess the Alien.
Someone want to write one of these for me?
Subsequent ideas: