(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 20:05

Hello all.  I'm still here writing and all that jazz.  I've thought about the lj situation and I think it blows.  I mean really what should be done by 6A, is they should reinstate every journal they banned pedo or not.  Why should they do this, because their rules are not clear enough to make it obvious that pedo talk is not allowed.  Then again, I believe a person should follow their own rules.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for banning pedos.  I had to sitt through an admitted pedo's post about how normal and fine pedophilia is.  He or she wasn't all like "lower the age of consent" but rather they were like "yeah I'm attracted to kids and I don't have a problem with that execpt that other people have a problem with it".  I think some of my problem might just be this knee jerk reaction, in my own mind because pedophilia freaks me out.  I know some people feel that way and I know that for the most part being attracted to kids isn't something a person can help, but to act on it or to just throw it out there so causally seems inherently wrong.  I think that people should be afraid to admit they are attracted to kids and I think that they should be more ashamed. Sure it is just a desire to resist, but part of fucking resisting a desire means you don't post it up on the web for everyone to see.  I mean really show some good judgement here.  I've got desires and thoughts that I've got to squelch and not act on, and part of that would be not parading around in the proverbial dirty underwear.  Not that I would say that so someone else, but I can still think it.

Anyway, what 6A should have done is post ammended rules to lj.  Then they should have given us a couple of weeks to conform and then they should have started the ban fest.  That would have been cool.  How they did it...not so cool.

PS there are still hundreds of innocence banned journals out there.  I encourage everyone to write a letter to lj and 6a demanding these journals be returned.  I know that I have.

I also suggest you join one of the many many lj communities against strikethrough 07.  These communities include the innocent_jihad whydoesljcensor  and censcoredcontent.

If you want to take a more active aggitative role, I suggest joining the pr0nathon or another similar community.  I know I'm gearing up to write a sexy sexy explicit piece or two in protest to the events of strikethorugh 07.  I'm thinking the smuttyer and less tasteful the better.  But don't worry lj readers, I won't put it here on the main journal, just the comms.

As for the rest of the day, it was uneventful.  I did lots of work.  Terry sucks at life and does her work wrong and then makes me clean up her messes.  As a result I have lots more to do tommorrow still.  Its good cause I'm always looking for stuff to do, but its bad because I don't like Terry and she makes the work hard because she messed up.  Uhg, I wish she did her job right.

I'm thinking about coming up to MCLA this weekend, but I"m not sure yet.  Meh, I really want to see Zac, but I really don't want to drive and then there's the whole, but I"ve really got nothing to do either arguement.  Just surfing the lj and reading the gaia-ness.

My special time has to be coming soon cause I'm so tired and bitchy.  Even morning yoga felt like a chore and I got the worst cramps ever icks.    Wouldn't that be great, get my period in the Berkshires, gross.

Well, I've got sex stories to write and a lack of interesting things to type here.  So I'll catch you later lj personal page.
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