Updates and such

Sep 23, 2008 09:33

So, only one week and a day until I got back to the Dr. to have a recheck on my foot... not that I'm counting **snicker** I sooo can't wait to be done with the boot. It's feeling WAY better and doesn't start to bother me til the end of the day, so I'm hoping for the best.
I wrote a letter to the Chiro I rent from asking for a reduction in rent. 30 a square foot in a town of 1088 is nuts! I found adds in Madison for 12-19 a square foot. So I know I'm not out of line for asking for this. Doesn't stop me from feeling guilty though... trying to get over it! I'm giving her over half of my income right now for rent, that's nuts! And my family is suffering because of that... so.... I grow balls! LOL
Erin is doing well at school, has now reached the ... I HATE homework.... of her life! But she does so well, I'm mom I know, but she is soooo smart. Alex has manage a whole week of wearing underwear to bed at night instead of pull ups! He still has issues during the day here and there... esp. with #2... but I know that's normal. One thing that helps is reminding him that he can't got to school and ride the bus next fall if he isn't using the potty every time. He REALLY wants to ride that bus!!! LOL
We did a house purge yesterday, going through clothes, toys, baby kitchen stuff, and videos. We now have a ton of stuff to got to whoever needs it most! Feels good, not having all that crap around the house and knowing that it might help someone else.
And now for the, Shawna might be loosing it, portion of this post. I'm feeling a STRONG connection to someone I've never met. I've had it before, had a tarot reading on it, asked a friend of mine who talks with her guides and it all seems to point to a past life thing. Not mentioning names... you'll all think I've gone off the deep end and that I'm turing into a stalker... so not my style! (It was brought up to Kitka and I at a past DD concert that someone knew where they were staying, did we want to go. Would I LOVE to meet John.. hell yeah!! But it just felt yucky to even think about doing that!) I've also had dreams in the past involving this person that all sorts of signs that pointed to a connection. Anyway, things have been quiet with this for a few months now and all of the sudden this week it's all back. So, by now I'm sure most of you think I'm loosing my marbles totally! But I've always believed in this sort of thing.. for all.. not just me.
And just to further this Shawna is crazy as a fox thing your thinking right now ;-), I think I'm reverting back to a past life. I had a reading done, a quick one, and one of the lives she brought up was me in Ireland, I lived in the country with my husband and people came to me for healing... herbal, magic.. all that. This all happened RIGHT as it was becoming not okay to do this sort of thing. And I've been noticing with my massage work that I've been getting more and more people who are coming to me because no one else has been able to work out their problems for them. And I'm using essential oils more and more to do this. There are a few that REALLY help things along. But anyway, it's really helping my business alot! And I'm sure it will continue to grow as the word gets out!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying fall so far! (a high of 81 is expected today! Odd!)
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