I near death....

Mar 23, 2007 23:04

Hmm...perhaps nearing death is not quite the right phrase. As it is around this time every year, I start thinking about my life and what I could do differently in it. So, here in this entry I am going to list some things that I would like to accomplish before March 26, 2008.(in no particular order)

1. volunteer at an animal shelter (for more than just a week)
2. go to Japan
3. learn how to be assertive
4. impress my Japanese teachers by speaking up in class
5. tell my family that I am a Daoist
6. resolve things with LaMonica, not necessarily become friends again, but just come to an understanding
7. finally go on that one week roadtrip with my friend Rachel that we've been discussing since 10th grade
8. learn more about my heritage, my family doesn't do anything to celebrate our German-Irishness. maybe if i just started making some traditional food
9.  teach a child something---maybe a little Japanese, idk, something useful
10. get myself a Japanese boyfriend ------------lol...just kidding....or am I? :P

p.s. take a look at the song i'm currently listening to. ironic, no? a prude like myself can't quite relate :)
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