(no subject)

Mar 21, 2007 15:25

今日は惨めな日だよ。日本語クラス中がっきりになったから泣きました。私は時々絶望的に感じる。 材料私を持っているたくさんの心配を知っているが。日本語を学ぶことを愛するがそれが喜びであるより時々重荷の多くのようにようである。唯一のよい事は約今日私が私のアルバイトにないことです。私は私の主任を誤解させた。 I lied to my boss and told her that I had a meeting with my advisor, but really I just wanted to go to lunch with my friend Kelly. So here I am, in my dorm, biding the time until I said I'd be back to close up the office. (4:30ish)

Eating lunch with a friend: $5.00
Reading the Pitt News: $0.00
Not having to be at work when I've already had such a crappy day: Priceless

*Translation for the Japanese part(with a bit more flair):

Today has been a miserable day. So miserable in fact that I cried in my Japanese class. Great, isn't it? I love my teachers seeing me break down. Woo..what a joy. Anyways....sometimes in class I just feel hopeless. It sucks too, because I know the material. I just can't seem to pull it together when she calls on me to speak. Something just happens in my brain and I freeze. >< I mean, I absolutely love Japanese, even learning the mundane grammar and stuff, but I just can't seem to get past my performance anxieties. And then after that lovely episode in class, I had the joy of going to work. I was in no mood to be there, so when my boss came back from lunch I lied to her.......(back to English text above)
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