Jun 08, 2006 02:38
well, even if it wasn't perfect, tonight was amazing. the show went wonderfully. there were a few line flubs, but nothing obvious and nothing we couldn't recover from. the best part was that we were playing out there. it took a little while for the audience to warm up to it, but once they did they were with us every step of the way. it was such a joy to perform. i got some wonderful feedback from profs (especially Irwin and Risa, who both loved it) and some very, very flattering compliments from alumni and friends alike. long story short: altitude is not done. in fact, even more than expanding just on what i already have, thanks to a suggestion from Irwin... i think the current iteration is only going to be Act 1. plans for Act 2 have already begun, and i'm going to talk to him about it, among other things, tomorrow. i took a few minutes during the cast party to start a new napkin. i kissed the stage for the last time tonight. i've been thinking a lot about circles, and how this circle is so important to me. the circle of madness. the studio represents a circle because my first work here began in that space, and it's fitting that my last real work is there. my first partner was Ansley, and again, it's fitting that she be my partner in crime in our last show here. well, mine at least. it hasn't hit me yet that it's over. maybe because it isn't yet, but i can feel that it's close. i'm wondering when i'll cry, or if i will. i'm more terrified and excited than i've ever been before. i don't know what will happen next. i'm not scared of failing, i'm scared of not making the most of what i have. that, however, is an irrational fear, and i've learned that those are best left by the wayside. i made it. i'm an actor.
short note: kiki and i unknowingly gave each other the exact same card. ask and i'll send you a picture so you can see how perfect it is. Shanana told me she was proud of me. i wish she had seen the final show. i really wrote it for her. i dedicated it to my grandfather, though, because for some reason i know he's the one who taught me how to fly.
i wheeled my ship out of the Studio, and looked up into the sky, and the moon was staring back at me, beckoning. and for a moment, i knew what peace feels like.
to the moooooooooooooooooooon!