Aug 25, 2007 21:04
AM: Farmer's Market, trip to bank, stop at Staples, and Hodson Bay (my new bike shop!)
Thursday I was riding home and found I had a flat tire. It was hot and sucked. Thus, the stop at Hodson Bay was in order. After lunch, I changed my inner-tube and found the leak near the valve.
Other than that, I've been in really weird and odd moods. For example, this morning I was a bit on the randy side, but all alone, so nothing happened with that. After the tire fixed, accomplished. After a nap, I began some filing/sorting in my office, mainly in the bookshelf that contains all of my chemistry notes. I got into a pseudo-existential debate about keeping them or discarding them. Alot of the binders have content out of order, unbound, incomplete. I debated the worth of sorting through them. The p-chem and a-chem were all in good order, so I kept them, but the o-chem was just a mess. I pulled the quizzes and exams and nice handouts and pitched the handwritten. It feels nice, but now I have a large stack of paper in my office that may/may not have sensitive data on it, so I'm not sure how I'd like to go about getting it recycled. I could shred it bit by bit and use it as mulch around the house.
Finally, I really love it here. This department is a major powerhouse in Med Chem and I can feel it. My new classmates are amazing and fun. In the last couple of weeks, I had debated going by Angie because several of the P'zano group called me that. I sort of discarded the idea as being cliché, but my new classmate Jared decided I needed to go by that nickname. However, I want to have my own unique spelling: Angy, Angi, Angee, Angey? Anyone?
P.S. Livejournal spell check indicates all proposed variants by my first to be spelling errors.