First day of the week and I'm already back trawling LJ instead of doing something constructive.
So - first off - Happy BIRTHDAY
princess_narnia !!! Have an awesome day sweetie - it's been awesome getting to know you! ;)
Congratulations to my wonderful friend Cass who got the job she'd been hoping to get tonight! Woot!
Thank you very much
anti_social_ite and
achairsomewhere for giving me the Miss Saigon soundtrack - it's all I've been listening to, and put me in a state of perpetual depression. LOL.
Oh, by the way - a million years ago I gave
anti_social_ite a H/Hr fluff prompt which she wrote today - though I wouldn't call it fluff, it's wonderfully written. *hugs*
I got offered tickets to the Bourne Supremacy prescreening today and I wasn't able to go. :(
Matt Damon is now going to be my after-exams treat - along with a gazillion eppies of Supernatural and Heroes and Prison Break...
Hope everyone has a great week - I'll be trying to finish this &^$*& assignment by Friday without dying first.