Sep 22, 2010 19:21
This morning, I just did it. I walked. The dogs.At dawn. It was quite nice... I listened to some music on my iPod and sorta forgot what I was doing. It was lovely.
Then, I blasted off to school for my long day: four classes back to back. I literally have 5 minutes for lunch. I parked way out because school is pretty full on Wednesday morning, but I thought, no problem! I'm walking!
However, by the end of the day, I was schlepping back to my car, got halfway and realized that my KEYS were in the computer cabinet back in my classroom. The one the farthest away from my car. Easily, it was a half mile between car and classroom, which means a half-mile back.
My idea of schlepping is not exactly power-walking (actual definition may be different). But man, my thighs are telling me that yes indeed, I schlepped with a 30 lb. briefcase today. Ok, maybe 20 lbs. and 7000 steps today?