
Jan 17, 2012 11:41

I'm getting incredibly lax at this.  I should blog more.

The problem is that very little that's new and different happens these days that doesn't involve me boring you all with babystuff.  Sure, he's getting bigger (actually, he's pretty enormous now he's coming up 12 weeks) but, well, I'm just not doing that much *stuff*.

Christmas, however, was very, very excellent.  We did the trips to each set of parents in the two weeks before for the present swappings as we'd already decided that we wanted Christmas in our own home for once.  We've lived here for nine years, and this was the first time we had had Christmas at home!  We put the tree up at the beginning of December and really, really enjoyed having it up and lit in the evenings.  The lights kept the little'un facinated as well :-).  Anyway, Christmas Day was spent doing things to our own timetable.  I even succeeded in cooking us both a proper Christmas dinner, with turkey and the trimmings and yorkie puds and Christmas Crackers and everything.  It was absolutely super, and I am very pleased with myself for managing it alright.  The parsnips were a bit damp, but sod it - they were cooked and it was yummy.

For New Year, we popped round to a friends cocktail party although we didn't stay until midnight (or drink anything other than fruit juices), as Edric needed feeding and was starting to get a bit antsy.  Still, a bunch of friends got to meet him, and he flirted incorrigibly with everyone.

Since New Year, Ed has also been to Stitch'n'Witch (charming everyone there as well) and the climbing wall (ably babysat by gedhrel), and "helped" play boardgames with Burney, Alex, Dave and Paul.  He's currently asleep, but will no doubt be awake soon and demanding lunch!

It's S'n'W tonight, but because it's at shinyjenni 's I'm not taking him, as it'll be far too cold.  Maybe tonight I'll actually get a bit more of the border of his blanket done!  I'd better go to Tesco after taking him to clinic to pick up food for each of us.  He won't get much time to himself tonight - Edric seems to get very active in the evenings - so something that's nuke-able will be best.

Right.  Better get on, I suppose...

spawn, real life (tm)

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