I'm NOT skiving, honest!

Feb 23, 2009 09:32

Quick update about my weekend before I run off to the painting room again.

Friday night involved cider, chinese lemon chicken and a DVD of Dragon Wars, a film that was massive in Korea, and based on a Korean legend. It was US made, and the CGI, though fairly basic by todays standards, was still pretty good. And seeing as dragons attacked and destroyed most of central LA it was all good. The fight between a flock of smaller winged dragons and a load of Apache helicopters was great! The script and the suspension of disbelief at the very end of the film was a bit much, though. But the Celestial Dragon was very, very pretty.

Saturday was WFRP. Although I was a bit late getting to xerablack's place, because my headlamp had blown (again, I swear it does it for fun) and although we changed the bulb, it still wasn't working. So I think we may have knocked a bit of wiring out of alignment or the fuse tripped when the bulb blew. So I was having a bit of a panic, but we weren't the last to arrive. I think...

The session was cool. FINALLY found out what was going on with the Black Wheel symbol on my hand, and now have to convince Miles to be...could it be described as bait?...to Bianka. Also have a definate timeframe for my Dark Seeding - I HAVE to be clear by September. No quibble about that.

I couldn't stay for the pub afterwards, as I had to try and get home before dark so that I wasn't driving dangerously or illegally. But instead we ordered in pizza, drank alcymahol and watch Alien vs Predator Requiem. I might add that it was one of the cheap DVDs that Hubby bought on Valentines. We wouldn't pay full price for it. And I have to admit, it was pretty damn enjoyable. The Predator in it is AWESOME. Hard as nails :). Then spent time gathering my kit and double and triple checking it was all there.

Sunday was TK. Loaded the car and headed for Cardiff. Collected a bakatron, had a quick cup of tea (thanks Justin, you're a life saver!) and used his mirror for make-up. Had awesome fun :) Scouted ahead of the main party with a Goblin buddy most of the time, although as I couldn't Speak Common and he couldn't Speak Elvish, we communicated using scout signs...that was great! Spent lots of time tracking things (got a free boost up to rank 2 in ID Tracks!), and shot some bad guys with my bow and arrows. And hit with all of them :) I was so pleased. And my kit was awesome, though backing quickly away from bad guys up a hill means that I fall over when I stand on the back of my cloak! I really need to get a photo taken of my outfit...it looked really good! I really ought to get Speak Common, but dear god it was fun/frustrating to start yelling something that would have possibly stopped fighting and then gone "SHIT, do any of you Speak Elvish? No? Oh screw!". But on the other hand...it did make me need to roleplay a little more...Hmmmm.

Again, I had to head home straight after the session, which was annoying but unavoidable. Got home before dark (which makes me sound like a resident of Sunnydale), did a bit more painting and then watched Being Human - so buying the DVD - and a couple of Family Guys before staggering to bed and passing out.

This morning I ache, and I am still really tired. I completely didn't eat my lunch yesterday, so I guess I'll just have to eat my cold pizza today when I get back from signing on. But at least I don't have any bruises :) And I have to get my car booked into a garage to get the light fixed. Electrics is beyond our capability...

larp, things of awesome

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