Himneskt kaffi í hippahverfinu

Oct 21, 2007 11:02

Last night, Amanda and I went into the city to see Philip Glass's opera Appomattox at the SF Opera. The opera was dreadful, but the evening was good, especially as we went to the upper Haight for crepes for dinner, where we met up with Jill and her aunt and uncle, who are here for a visit. After dinner, we stopped into a coffeeshop to get hot chocolate. As I'm standing in line, I look around and notice some newspaper clippings on the wall. I start reading one of them, a clip from Mogginn entitled "Himneskt kaffi í hippahverfinu"...


wait. WHAT? Wrong country!!!

Turns out there is a newspaper clipping from MOGGINN hanging on the wall in there - it's a review of the coffee shop, written by Kristín Heiða Kristinsdóttir in 2005.

For those of you who don't know it, she's the mother of a former elementary school mate of mine, and her family and luzifer_'s are the oldest of friends.

Small world.

In other news, my workload was so excessive that I was forced to drop a class (German 19th century prose). I was sleeping under 6 hours a night, working near-continuously from dawn til dusk, not eating properly, and still not on top of my game. I was at the point where sleep deprivation and malnutrition had me essentially sick. I would come into class and sit down only to find that I was shaking and notice that the people around me were giving my funny looks and slipping me notes saying "Are you okay?" That's when you know that something's gotta give. It was either dropping one class, or becoming seriously ill and failing them all, so I opted for the logical course of action. Yay. This will pose some difficulty for me in completing both of my degrees on time, but hopefully I'll be able to work everything in on time.

Note to self/to do list for today:

- Teconic Geomorphology reading
- Goethe poetry response paper
- First 50 or so pages of Leiden des Jungen Werthers
- Hydrology reading
- Work on thin viscous sheet model

san francisco, german, iceland, small world, music, school

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