
Aug 30, 2005 14:41

Hello, everyone. I'm back to update you on my life and how I'm doing, and everything. Sometimes, life is hard. And sometimes, in life, you learn hard lessons. That is a fact. And it's a fact I've had to deal with.

It all began with my "friend" Vanessa* I had just gotten back from my Mom's office (I volunteer there) and I went on AIM as normal. All of a sudden, my "friend" IMed me to ask me a question when school started. I gave Vanessa the answer, and went back to doing my business. I asked her if you would talk to me and suddenly, she blew up! She yelled at me and told me she wouldn't talk to me because I was gay. Now, I have nothing against gay people (in fact, I have lots of good friends who are gay), it's just that I am not gay. And I hate it when people make wrong accussions about me. So I asked her where she got an idea like that. She told me that people had been spreading it about me.

I was shocked when I heard this, so I automatically asked her who was spreading it. She told me it was someone I didn't know. I was suspicious, so I asked her where she found this out from. She said, "The Internet." Now this is the biggest piece of BS I have ever heard, because afterwards she told me this person wasn't in our school. I don't talk to random people on the internet. And if this person wasn't in my school and didn't know me, how could he/she make the accussion that I was gay. I knew my friend had started this rumor, and I told her she could believe what she wanted to. Just don't talk to me if she believed the rumors. Then, Vanessa told me she wouldn't talk to me because she still believed these people, and she started being really rude to me. I know she made up this rumor, and I was truely hurt. So I told her fine, and I left her alone.

After I said goodbye, she came online saying "Fuck You" to me for no good reason. I was angry, and I was really hurt about what she had said. So I retorted the same thing back to her, and she openly dissed my friends and I and called us "annoyances" (while these people were her 'friends') I told her openly that she had a problem if she makes up rumors and teases her friends, and she pretty much told me to go to hell. Well, now that friendship is over and I'm pretty blantly tired of all of her things she does. She makes up rumors, and purposesly causes friction in our friendship group. The gay joke was the final straw for me. Now, I'm confused and torn if I should try to mend the friendship. I just had to write this here because right now I'm really upset. I'll report back tomorrow, Tori.

* = name has been changed
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