Nov 20, 2004 23:39
So let me preface this by saying this night still is and will always be special for me, but what happened tonight is total bull shit! Today was my last game in Tiger Stadium as a member of Tigerband. Everything was so awesome. And I didn't even cry till we sung the Alma Mater at the end, and when we were lining up to leave the stadium, very proud of myself for that(if you don't know, I am a very emotional person). SO, sadness and specialness turned in to pure aggravation during the march back. I am sorry, but when two sections decide to move into two ranks and one rank in some places and three in others. That's bull shit. We looked like ass in front of everyone one of the those fans out there. No body told anyone to get into ranks of two. Certainly nobody said to get into ranks of one. All because they didn't want to get in the mud. Suck it up and take your uniform to cleaners afterwards. As much as I hate to say it, I will always remember this day/night, and unfortunatly part of that memory will be of the worst I have ever seen Tigerband.