LOL my peepz, life's just been craycray! Remember like long, long time ago I told you that Dad thought the disused field at the back of our property could actually be a forgotten cemetery? Wellll, the thought of it creeped Jolene out so much she contacted the city office people, and asked if it was possible. At the city management they were like "OH. That's the location of the lost Grieving Pines Cemetery, then." And so they came with diggers and stuff and unearthed all the earthly remains. It was really creepy. The coffins were all metal and stuff, and mostly super-intact. Apparently some had glass windows in the lid and all! I didn't see them close up, because Raelynn = wimp, and rando civilians weren't allowed into the dig space anyway. We watched from the window in the attic, that was enough. I hope the souls are still sleeping soundly, now that they've been reinterred in our modern day graveyard. It would be terrible if they all decided to haunt the nearest house, which is were my family lives.
Also school. Happened. >:(
Oh, and did you guys hear what happened with MK'la? In case you haven't, basically they discovered that the whole site her neighbourhood was on was right over this enormous cavern that can turn into a sinkhole in a million years or in two seconds. And if it collapses, a huge cloud of gas will elope and kill all living things within an fourteen mile radius. So now they're all moving outta dodge, and MK'la's holed up in a hotel somewhere in the mountains, where people are riding horses and playing v loud music at night. No, she's not getting out of school, and has to do like quadruple amounts of homework to stay relevant. It sucks all around.
Ugh, of course. Everyone had the flo, and Jonathan was doing bad in the community. At least he wasn't doing badly in The Community, because then Laundru would have to sort him out.
And here came Salamandra, who could never learn to keep her clothes on or her curtains drawn.
Buck was only looking at rare speckle-winged timberhawks frolicking in the air above. They hadn't been sighted in the area for over a century.
Oh, and wanna know what else is rarely sighted? Those darn new eggs that Dragon Cave just released today. >:C I watched the drops for over an hour like a literal hawk, and most of the time I never even SAW them before they were gone!
In the 70s, a lot of people believed that aliens looked like this. Jolene says they probably don't. She's been listning to lots of High Strangeness kind of podcasts with Dad, and now they think UFOs are some kind of interdimentional entities that are alive on their own.
Riana had gotten a new job. She was in the Adventurer career, and they made her dress up with a weird hat and wig because disguise. She hoped Iris wouldn't recognise her either, because she felt kinda dumb.
And what on earth was up with Renee Swan, who was Bella and Renesmee's mom? She never dressed like that before, like.... normal and stuff.
Jonathan: They saw the Skull-Faced Lady again last night, in the parking lot behind the pizza place across the road from the video rental.
T'anamika: It's so creepy. Is she real?
Ethan was sad, because he wondered if Adana hadn't talked to him in a while because she didn't love him as passionately as she'd used to, now that they'd lived together before and all. Maybe the attraction was gone. ARGH I MISSED AN EGG DROP WHY IS IT SO HARD?! Actually though, Adana was just really busy, and their house was a little time-warped so it hadn't been as long for her as for him.
She was really happy to see him! :D
T'ana and Buck were working really hard on keeping their love-light burning, because it was a time of a lot of divorce, in 1978. People was starting to stop bothering getting married at all, and that trend would continue for almost 30 years before rom-coms made weddings chic again. I just had a history assignment on it. It was something like "Imagine if you needed a license for love." Tameron says that in medieval times, peasants had to write to the king to get permission to have sex after they were married, and he could just say no. He received so many letters about it each day, he often just told his secretary to say no to all of them. Then you couldn't get married, because in wedlock you were expected to produce lots of babies to work and make money for the king. We're doing a medieval time travel in this story soon, so I better find out if Tameron was just talking out of her backhoe again. This is a legacy, they need to have babies!!!! :O
Riana got promoted. I'll just link to the proof instead of posting it, is that OK?
Georgina, who came home with Cindie, is one of the time-travellers. She's from centuries ago, and when she DJs she always puts on Mozart and Bach, or people like that. She made lots of people angry by remixing it. Either they were offended that she was playing old dead-guy music that wasn't relevant to their modern times, or because she "ruined" good music when there was so much Bee Gees and ABBA she could do that stuff to.
Adana and Ethan hadn't played catch since 1854, LOL!
Ugh, egg drop coming. I want two more of the
moonlight eggs in case they have alts or variations or something, and I'm stuck with this stupid pygmy that I caught by accident. Now it's gonna sit there and take up an egg-slot for five hours. D:< I'd ask if anyone wanted it, but I've already yote it by the time you read this. :)
None of the moonlit ones this time either? OK, that was disappointment.
All the generations were kissing in the morning sun. And BTW, Ethan is in the Law career in case you wondered. He spent the night and got chance cards the next day. Nothing bad happened to him, LOL!
Riana was happy with her new work outfit.
ONOZ! Billy got
fired! Okay, it's no diseaster. He'll just have to keep reading the newspaper until his LTW career comes back. It sucks, but he can spend the time getting his skills up. He'll probably need them for the medieval expedition and all. Meanwhile,
Ethan and
Jonathan got promoted. Ohai that's Aphrodite Duckling!
Other guests were Everyly MacAvoy and Editha Magpie. Comment and like if you want TigerAnne to stop playing zookeeper for like an hour, and write more about her legacies. BTW if you're reading this on DW instead of LJ you can't heart the entry. D: So just copy and paste this heart: <3
It musta been weekend or something, because look at what Aami and Andi had to do.
And then.... REALITY DAWNED! My little Aamilei's growing up?! I can't believe it, she's been a teenager almost as long as me! But I'm so happy for her, though! :'D
T'anamika made slacker supper with a toaster oven. I hope that's not fish-fingers?! On a Friday? No, TigerAnne, it's NOT "delicious if you just add the right things to it." Fish fingers are greasy pieces of discarded fish, rolled in what looks cheese puffs someone sat on. The moment you try to turn them over in the pan they fall straight to pieces, and then they get all burned and stuff, and you need to scoop them out with a spoon.
Billy had a drink to lessen his sorrows, LOL! Don't drink to feel better, kids. That's just potion he's got there. I mean, if you can actually find a mysterious potion that can make your life better, then yeah you still really shouldn't drink it because they always have side effects in real life, but at least don't drink booze.
Aamiley was doing her last ever homework! I guess it wasn't Friday then, or she probably wouldn't have bothred.
Adana loved sitting by the ocean with someone she loved (In this case Ethan) and talk about her inner secret feelings that hardly even her twin sister knew about her. But she had to change the topic all the time, because people came too close to hear what she was saying.
And just like that it was winter.
Beau came over to hang out with someone I think was Jonathan. He and Ryan have similar winter clothes, so I can't really tell who's who when they're wolves! They were talking about this medicine stuff that let male werewolves keep their own hairstyles, and they'd wanted to try it out forever, but it was never available anywhere. Except Jonathan might have gotten his hands on a bottle of it?
It probably was Jonathan he was talking to, because here's Ryan at the table, chatting to Aphrodite. She wasn't asking him out on a date, LOL! Aphrodite's engaged to Greg Magpie, and they're prolly getting married as soon as he's LTW'ed.
Looks like the fish fingers fell to pieces, because here they're having pasta or something.
Beau DJed until he got hot under the collar. (Get it, collar? Wolf, dog.)
Riana had to do this thing where she lay under a winter sky in the light of the moon, allowing herself to get as cold as she could before it got harmful. It recharged her mysterious powers. Remember that she's half elf and half Aylatani (read first chapter to see what Aylatani contains) so this would be pretty dangerous if humans tried it. And it wouldn't work.
Promotion, BTW.
Jonathan was trying the hair medicine. He let Moonshine sniff him in case he didn't recognise him like that.
Then I reloaded the game, and he was back to looking silly. x(
Aami had many ideas for what she was going to do once she was legally emancipated. (LOL, we had to read a book about that in English class one year. This kid had to always be there for her sister, and her parents never let her go on sleep-overs or anything. So she got this lawyer to take her case for free, and they won. Then she immediately died. I was so MAD, LOL! That's how to make sure everyone hates the ending.)
Aami wanted to be a free, reckless 70s kid with no anxiety about consequences for a while.
(Like, dude.... HOW did anyone survive the 70s? That decade was really dangeroo. People would hitch-hike to other states on vacation, and stuff. And they had no cell-phones or anything. Sometimes people didn't realise that their relatives were possibly missing until they hadn't heard from them for years, because they were so used to them not really keeping in touch. That's why there are so many unidentified dead from that era. Yeah, this got dark.)
BTW, that's Laura Garnet in the back. She's a custom townie, and I don't really know who she came home with.
Wow, Aami looked great as a wolf!
Jonathan: I'm sorry that this isn't the coolest first night on the town any kid's ever had, but this needs to be done.
Aami: Nah, this is going to be awesome!
Jonathan: Good evening, my name is Jonathan Starbloom. I believe you know several of my extended family members.
Vera: Yes, unfortunately. They're a real pile of scum. I've had the pleasure of putting them in their places many times.
Jonathan: Then you know why I'm doing what I'm about to do.
They knew where Vera was, because Aami had talked to Brody at school and knew he was going to the card shack that night. Vera always came to pick him up right before closing time, secretly hoping that it had been enough time for him to get into a knife fight and sufficiently stabbed to go to ER. Even if he didn't die, that would probably make Herman realise they needed another baby. Brody knew what she was thinking, because she was always telling him it would happen, but she still let him go out.
LOL, Liranda! You're not cheering for Vera? She hates you!
Brody: Oh no, she was already scary enough when she was mad! I'll be even less home now.
Liranda: Eww, she's so creepy!
Green Shirt Guy: I'm a paramedic, I'll give her some shots for rabies and tetanus just in case.
Aami: Cool, that's nice of you!
Jonathan: Ohmagosh, she's LOST it.
Green: We have psychiatric treament too.
The Paramedic: It's not good when you see that much of the inner eyelid.
Vera: My little Heather mustn't be an only child, she needs a sister. We gotta have many little blonde baby girls to be sisters to her, and they'll all love each other as much as I love them.
Vera: If little Matty drank poison by accident one night instead of his medicine, we would be so terribly sad and we would cry in each other's arms and comfort each other, and then we would want to have many babies to give all that love to. All of them little girls, mostly blonde.
That was very weird. Back home Moonshine's sharp cat senses detected a sense of pride ammenating from Jonathan as he studied mechanics.
I got the hair mod to work, but the first time the guys transformed after that they all got random hairs. Since I had to change it anyway I just gave them makeovers. So now they'll look a little different.
Something awful was happening to Andi's grades! She failed a test she had studied really hard for, and her teachers were demanded not to give her any more homework, because it was obvious that Andrina didn't have the proper learning skills. The peep who replaced Aylatani as Education Minister didn't believe in shaming disadvantaged students and setting them up to fail. That's how people become murderers.
Aami was upsetting the gender balancce by leaning to housewife, because she had a plan and it required not being able to shop at Walmart for a while.
Billy: We need to discover who wrote the Book of Edgar. That person has a lot of knowledge that can help us fix the whole past.
Cindie: But we have the book already. Maybe that's everything they knew.
Billy: I doin't think so, because a wise person like that wouldn't dedicate their whole life just to studying Edgar.
Aamiley: We think they'll know a lot more, and we need to knot it too.
T'anamikla: Welp, I'm staying here. I want to travel the world one day, but not time.
Riana: Medieval times were much less dirty than 1800s London. It wasn't until the renaissance that people started thinking that bathing was dangerous. They knew that people sometimes got sick from water, but they didn't know about bacteria. I don't think their microscopes were that good yet. So they could only assume that the water itself got evil some times.
Oh no, Aami was growing up!
Look at Aami for the last time as a teenager! OK, maybe not the last time, because I'll prolly put her in other hoods.
OMAGOSH she's still so beautiful!
Abby also looked Grr8 after Brianna popped all her pimples. :D
It was discovered that Abby had an identical twin named Hollie, and that was part of the reason she felt so bad about her zits. Hollie never had them, and the boy who Abby was crusing on crushed on Hollie, who didn't even like him. Abby and Andi had met in the special class where the school had put them to protect them from normies.
PS, Ryan got
Well that sucks for him. But down on the beach, adulthood was opening eyes.
Billy: You're so beautiful, Aami.
Aami: Thanks! That eye-patch makes you kind of hot.
Billy: I'm so glad you think so, because it's always been the main insecurity I've had in myself! You know what people 120 years ago automatically thought about one-eyes guys.
Aami: Well not really, because I was a girl and had two. But like pirats or bank robbers?
Billy: Yeh.
Aami: Dangeroo! I love it!
And then the magic was complete! :D Aami loved the man destiny had selected for her, and he loved her.
Oh, BTW.
All the love going around made Riana want to hang out with her boyfriend. His name's Alex now. It used to be William, but that's Billy's full name too, and Alex wanted something a little more rocking. He's over his Shakespeare obsession from when he was a teenager and didn't like Oasis, and his name was incidentally Alex before that, so now that's what he goes by.
In a different kind of love, Nerniya had come to finally apologise to her brother for being so mean to him years ago.
Nerniya: The dude broke my brain and made me think only what he wanted me to.
Jonathan: It's okay, I always knew it wasn't your fault, and I'm so happy you've stopped boozing.
Nerniya: I'm free from my burdens now, and Orca and me are very happy.
Hollie's accepted in the community, LOL!
Cindie: Adana, why are you in the bathroom with my naked husband?
Adana: I didn't even see him, because I was just standing here washing my hands!
Jonathan: Didn't you hear him singing Night Fever in the tub?
Adana: No, I mean yes, but I thought it was an earworm.
Ryan: Son, why did you follow Adana into the bathroom? You weren't going to watch her pee, were you?
Jonathan: Dad, I'm NOT LIKE THAT?!
Adana: I'm outta here.
Jonathan needed to bite someone after that, so he went to Scorpion. (
Sammyfrog built it, and now that I have the UC I can redownload it and not have it all nerffd!)
He savaged that guy with the big ears and funky nose, who always walks past everywhere.
Then the kids thought he was very gangsta.
Jonathan: I feel better now.
Iris and Andi were so scared that the Skull-Faced woman would appear in their rooms, they had to spend the night in Aylatani's empty bedroom downstairs. Then they got worried that she would peer in through the window, since there was a sofa below it outside on the porch.
Ryan: She has to be a ghost! No one can live as just a skeleton.
Aami: I hope the person who wrote the Book of Edgar knows something, when we find them.
Ryan: I'm so glad you're doing it, because it's to scary for me.
Aami: Yeh it is, but I grew up scary and I can handle it.
All the spooky talk was too much for Hollie.
Billy: PLease to marry me?
Aami: Yessssssssssssssssssssss
Phil didn't like the fake Christmas tree they'd put out by the street, to make the season jolly.
Andi and T'ana played chess, to see if Andi really was as stupid as the ministry of education claimed.
T'ana: You can't be, you're the chosen one.
Andi: But I already fulfilled my destiny, and maybe now I have no porpose? :(
Aami: How did you get sunburned almost naked in the snow?
Billy: I'm from a very prudent century and this is the first time I've had daylight on my skin. I love the feeling of the cool air.
Cindy made everything awkward by talking about how sexy her son-in-law was.
Flora derailed the conversation.
Flora: It's a lost 1930s movie, filmed in full colour at least two years before The Wizard of Oz. Only two stills are known to survive. It would have been the most technologically advanced movie ever made at the time, and probably for the next twenty years or more. The cast was all-star, and yet the movie does not appear in the filmography of any of the popular actors of the time. It's like it's been buried in the past for some reason.
Riana: I'd love to find out more! The legend says something terrible happened on the set when they were almost done, that's why the movie was never finished.
Buck: So is it like people die or become insane if they watch it?
Riana: Probably not, but no one's ever seen it. We can't be sure.
Cindie: Is it on Youtube?
Sadie's creepy old husband was dead from old creepiness, and now she was shopping to get married again. Not to Ryan tho, LOL! Notice that Laurelin has moved in.
Dating Logan had done bad things to Flora's expectations.
Aami: It's going to be very creepy at times, just like when we were kids. And we're going to find out the origins of all the ghost stories.
Iris: Kool! Maybe we can even save some harmless village exxentric from being burned at the stake.
Aami: But some of them are guilty.
Andi: We can have their sentences commuted to lifetime of serf labour.
This is why Laurelin lives with them now. She needs help.
Studying ancient texts helped keep her spirits up.
Adana: Peeps, this book mentions a "nefarious sourcerer" named Edgar in the year 1120! He came and left in a cloud of puff, with no trace of who he really was or where he was from. We have a clue where to go!
Billy: I didn't count on washing all this fur, and it smells worse after I shower.
Buck joined the pack to get some aspiration points. Else he'd get old, and T'ana wasn't into wrinkles and bald spots.
Iris got a Guardian to watch her room while she slept, so nothing scary could manifest.
Ryan: I wanted to get one of those game consoles that have finally been invented for Christmas, but they're more expensive than a PS4 was in 2022. And they only come with a stupid tennis game.
Adana: In 1982 the ET game is released. Don't buy that one either.
Everyone was so tired of soup.
Andi had dropped out of high school and was a straight-F student, but Irish had heard a rumor that there had been some kind of dimentional shift (I installed the UC) so maybe she should give school a second chance. Maybe she was allowed to get homework in this reality?
Andi: OK I'll go. But if I don't get any homework, or if they give me an F on it, I'm never going back. I have all the education I need for being a medieval peasant, thank you! There are much more important things in life, like relationships and family and friends.
Iris: But you're coming back here and marrying Sean or Stuart. And you'll need to help your kids with homework.
So Andrina slunk off to school.
Billy was working out, because peasantry was going to be tough.
Hooray! Andi's grades got back up to a D! The glitch is solved. :D I mean.... they have a new minister again.
Pip Dimwit was DJing because Aami was going to get married and they'd hired him to do the music.
Andi got her maths homework outta the way.
Andi: I thought I was DONE with this! Can't I just be a farmer's housewife?
Iris: Guess what? Reality has changed so much that the guy who used to be headmaster at my old school doesn't even work there. I want to go back to private school, because this time we probably won't have to write poetry abdout the headmaster, or make fanart of him in affirmative representation.
Pip: Whoops!
Pip: Yeh, let's jam!
T'ana spotted Jennifer on the street, and invited her to the wedding.
T'anamika: Jen, this is my next son-in-law, Billy Trevannion. He's my best friend and I'm so happy my daughter is marrying someone I approve of.
Laurelin: Stuart Darell? What are you doing here? Why do you always come to our weddings?
Stuart: It was only one wedding before, and I have my reasons, okay? I know things that no one else does, and I have to observe and see if the timeline's playing out. Also yes, I know you're going to 1123, and I'll see you there.
T'ana and Stuart gave Billy the saddest bachelor bash ever, with a snowball fight.
And then it was wedding time! YAY! D:
No one was in their underwear and all!
O crap cutscenes! I forgot to disable them.
Anyway, here's their wedding photo, with everyone in formal wear!
Everyone was so happy for them, because Starblooms don't usually have great weddings. :( T'ana had an okay one, but she was knocked up.
Beau was moved to tears, because he's such a nice guy.
Bennett started the music pumping.
Phil had cooked T-bone steak, because buffet is overrated.
Poor Pip, he had a deprived childhood.
Virginia: Marriage is a very serious commitment. You should never do it on a whim because you may regret it and think it's not for you. It's much better to wait until you know you have the right person.
She's very wise for her age, because her family history has been through a lot.
Pip: Anything about the Skull-Faced Woman? I'm scared of her. :O
Pip: Yeh, your dad said I oughta take a shower, natch.
Beau: I was in Tiramisu Village on my honeymoon, but I've never been anywhere medieval. And when we got home my Dad fell over dead, so that was kind of anti.
Aylatani: I'm so sorry. It happened to one of my husbands too, so I know how it feels. We all came home from work and it started hailing. Poor Legolas never stood a chance.
Michelle: I'm speculated to be some kind of secret agent, and I may have friends in convinient places that can lend a time-gate. But I can't promise anything, because officially I work at the warehouse. (We may have one there, tho. I'll check the long storage.)
Aylatani: That would be niff.
Phil: Nah, he's not choking, he just has chronic flu. The cake's perfectly safe to eat.
As the werewolves sat down for seconds of strawberry-banana cake with ice cream, an unusual face showed up.
DR Irene Montoya: Collins family. Hospital. Now.
I guess they forgot to invite her, or to tell her they were going at all.
Phil bribed her with a slice of cake, and told her to relax and have a good time for once. Bennett talked about the weird teacher conspiracy.
Aylatani: Study old paintings! Very often they contain secret clues that you'll only see if you look for them.
Phil got too bored doggo, and Andi had to take him out for a game of fetch.
Virginia: Dumbledore has finally found his beard!
Hayden: Yeh friendships are important, but right now I'm just mad at the world.
Beau: That's very sad.
Irene was in a suger-hype (they only feed her hospital food at home) and was exited about expeditions to Mars.
Cindrana finally got off work. She'd missed most of the party. :( Jen's brother Brice (who's Brianna's dad) also came along.
Laurelin was hanging with her best and only friend.
Jonathan brought her back inside, and they went back to studying old texts. That's the only thing that can occupy her mind these days.
Aami did her bridal dance on the front steps.
Then everyone came and joined her and it got cramped.
Adana had an idea.
Jen: Yay, I can't wait until it's my turn to get engaged again! Wait, I am. I meant married!
Adana: Now we all toast to the newlyweds! Riana, where you been?
Riana: I had a nap. Now I'm ready to party!
Aami: Wait, I haven't even gotten a glass!
Phil went to pop the confetti.
Phil: To Aamiley and Billy, YAY!
The stars and moons spoke to the wolf in all of them.
Pip: Neato, we have fireworks!
Pip: My family can never get permission to use them!
Phil: ONOZ flu! I sneezed while I lit the sparkler! D:
Pip tried not to laugh.
But he couldn't help it! :O
At least no one saw Hayden being a dork.
Aylatani: Burnt dog fur smells even worse than wet.
Phil: I'm about to get burned AND wet, howya like that apple?`
While he's in the shower, the only important chance card of the chapter!
T'ana: I can't dance naked on the night of my daughter's wedding. :( That would be wrong.
T'ana: Uyy, lemme go you gorillas! Wait, sorry I didn't mean that. Gorilla's are nice.
T'ana: At least I can go back to the party at home.
Oh deer, was there a new urband legend in town? The Hollow-Head Woman??
Phil: This is getting so creepy, like Diaper Man all over. Except he was more sad than scary.
Tani lead a new round of the Wedding Smuzzle.
Everyone had a great time!
Pip: Enough ABBA! Time for some ZZ Top!
A phew! The cryptid person was just the hobby chick from the garage.
Beau: Yeh, this is stompin!
More fireworks! :)
Phil: I hope she's not telling the story about my Grandma again.
Tani: French style.
Irene: Ew.
Ryan: Hello, we're eating!?
Salamandra: Everyone said it was the best coffe they'd ever tasted, and agreed it had to be the well water. But when my Grandpa went to empty out the ground beans, they discovered that they'd all been drinking coffee flavoured dead-mouse-soup.
(Possibly true story, from an old lady who lived next door to TA.)
Adana: Nightcap, anyone??
Ryan: She's so pretty with cider-goggles.
Adana: Great event! Too bad Riana and Iris were asleep for most of it.
Aami: Yass wedding boogie!
Billy: Should we do a midnight howl?
Aami: Nop, it's 2am, and Grandma has a fear of howling.
Jonathan: SHQLURRP.
Iris was in the holiday spirit!
Aami: Maybe we can abduct him when we go to the 12th C. Then his parents won't have to accidentally him or the little one, and Virginia's gonna be happy to have him around.
Billy: Maybe you'll be getting a sibling soon.
Aami: Please don't!
Now it was time to be adults, and start sleeping at night again. Plus they'd get more aspiration for every time they became wolves again, so curing made most sense.
Jonathan: She's so prettyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYyyyy.
Ryan: Who are you refering to, son?
Like why can't I find the settings to turn off cutscenes??
Aamilei: LOL, I'm a pervert!
Billy: I never said I had prejudices against that!
Nathaniel: Hi. Remember me, Nathaniel? I'm your great-grandfather Falcon's brother, and Alex's brother, and I was Legolas' brother before he died in that tragic accident, which I understand now wasn't murder, and I also had an indentical twin brother named David who went by Nathan and died of starvation in the asylum.
Aami: Yeah, it kind of rings a bell.
Nathaniel: I heard of your plans and I came to say that you need to keep your mind open and not rely on your eyes. Well, one of you should have less of a problem doing that. Nothing is ever what it looks like. Read between the lines all the time, especially in times of great illiteracy. Who is the shirtless guy, anyway?
Aami: He's the husband I just married.
Nathaniel: Very traditional. Medieval life will suit yous.
T'ana wanted a guitar, but there was literally not room for it anywhere in the house (maybe after Christmas) and it was too cold to play without mittens, which is kind of hard to do as a beginner.
Pip was still celebrating.
Nooooo Riana! You require psychiatric treatment!
A phew! It was just Adana hearting Ethan. This was an example of what Nathaniel just said! :O
Aww. They love each other. :)
Laurelin vaguely remembered that she had a boyfriend, and she called him. Yeah, no. They can't have babies, because Burton is a Magpie so he's genetically compromised. He's got a totally normal daughter, tho. Her name's Francie.
Laurelin: Yeah, Phil has some kind of plan, but so far he's had no luck. And he really didn't think Dr. Montoya knew that he and Kevin were werewolves, or that he sneaks out of the hospital at night to go to work. She just has too much to deal with to be bothered. GO AWAY Emmett!
Ryan: Oh hi, guise. Wait, do you live here?
Riana: Pop, you're third-wheeling pretty hard now.
Jonathan: Grrrrr....
Riana found her inner Amy McDonald, and played a romantic song while the lovers splashed in the tub.
Burton: So yeah, bottom line: I really want to get married, but I have to stay with my Cave. That's the way of the Trolls.
Laurelin: And I have many mysteries to discover in time and space.
Burton: Kewl, it's no rush.
This is it for now, Peepz! Don't worry, you'll find out what's been happening at the hospital. :D Narrator outtttttttt!