This area gets lots of rainbows, on those occasions when it rains. Not only are they pleasant to look at, they are also fascinating scientific phenomena, and spark all kinds of interesting metaphorical thought trails
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Today I am thankful for the two hummingbirds that were hovering around a bush on my morning dog walk being adorably decorative and unusually noncombative.
Today I am thankful for substitute yoga instructors. Whenever a new person teaches the class, I learn some new technique or stretch or way of thinking about a pose. Variety is very helpful to my personal practice.
Today I am thankful for transcontinental airplane flights. I complain, yeah, but also I can go basically anywhere I might want to be in less than a day (maybe two days if I am going to literally the other side of the planet). That is pretty cool, you guys. It's not teleportation but it sure beats walking.
Today I am thankful for my lovely tough hiking boots, which so wonderfully support my ankles.
We are in Virginia, visiting Brooks and Suzanne's relatives! Today we went hiking in the rain, and got really close to a deer which was in no way concerned about us.
Today I am thankful that the shampoo bottle in the shower says "Shampooing Dompte-Frisottis" (frizz-taming shampoo). Something about that phrase always makes me a little more cheerful. It's so bouncy.
Today I am thankful for chocolate. I commend to your attention Martha Stewart's Double Chocolate Brownies and note that if you don't have bittersweet chocolate, unsweetened plus 1 tablespoon sugar per ounce appears to be a cromulent substitute. Good lord these are intense.