Title: Ignorance of Horrors Is Most Certainly A Sort of Bliss
Rating: PG-PG-13-ish?
Warning: Talk of slightly graphic bloody violence? Oh yeah, and this takes place sometime after/during the ep 14 timeskip, so, spoilers? Also, I really like words. Really like words. A little too much.
Summary: Being a hero isn’t always glamorous; but for Barnaby, the exposure of the truly ugly side of humanity is a first. For Kotetsu, the “old man” who has over ten years of experience, it isn’t.
Notes: Formerly known as "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished", and I first posted it on the anon meme... yeah...
saving one person means not saving another )
Title: Let's Believe
Rating: PG
Warning: Spoilers for EP 21. And I still like words. Really like words. This was supposed to be so much shorter, s-sob.
Summary: Kaede makes a decision.
and even if we should be like grains of sand )