YouTube Discovery

Mar 01, 2007 13:36

Ok, I haven't written in a while, but there were a couple of things I had to do. Not that anything has changed since my last update...

Anyway, last night I was browsing through my favorite website, YouTube, looking for stuff to keep me amused when I found this:

I'll sum it up:
This is an amateur movie made in 1995 based on the Mega Man X game which was released in 1993 for the SNES. The movie details the planning, capture, and retrieval of a chip that is supposed to make robots more life-like (or something like that...). It's completely inaccurate to the games. Example: Dr. Cain is a bad guy who later turns into Sigma, Dr. Cossack gets turned into Mega Man X (What?), and Dr. Light is alive. What do you expect from 12 year old kids? I kinda liked the incorporation of the game music into the movie. Mega Man X has some of the best music for the SNES which is not surprising because its Mega Man. It's entertaining to watch.

Here is the kicker:
This movie was made in 1995 by a bunch of 12 year old boys. Why is that important? Well, this writer was 12 years old in 1995. That's right. So that means while I was watching the Mega Man cartoon, playing the games, and cutting out pictures of Mega Man X to put into my purse to worship during recess, these guys were making a fucking movie.

I've wasted my life.

BTW, there was a sequel: X2 made in 1997. I haven't watched it all the way, but looks darker and more punker than the first one.


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