Apparently, I'm a Coke Addict and Intelligent, Who Knew?

Jun 22, 2007 12:11

Oh man, I shouldn't have went on a Coke Coca-Cola binge last night.

Yesterday,  after the interview, I stopped by a fast food place to eat something. I get a medium coke with my meal and drive home to eat. I refill my cup with the same beverage and drink that. Well, wouldn't you know it, my parents got an extra drink from a different fast food place and asked me if I would drink it. You can't leave a cola opened for too long or else with will get bland. So, I drank it. If you're counting, that's three cans of cola. By the end of the night, I was wired, but not really because fell asleep soon afterwards. That caused the massive headaches I had this morning. God, now I know how feels like to be hungover.

After recovering, I check my e-mail. Here is what I find:

I knew the answer a mile away. Yes, they're smarter, and I'm not just saying that because I'm the first born *laughs*. No, my brain holds buckets full of random factoids.

But when I go to read the article (, I realize that the headline is grossly misleading. The findings found out that firstborn BOYS are smarter than their siblings. No where does the article mention about firstborn girls. WTF?

I expect this kind of machismo from Latin American countries, but not Norway. Girls are smart. Was it too much for the researchers to study firstborn girls? I like to  believe that I'm smrt  smart.

wtf aka people are stupid

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