X-Evolution Part 2 (The PS years)

Jun 20, 2007 19:40

Finally! But before I move on, a little personality check:

I love X when he's pissed. I like him being angry at what's going on around him. And I like that anger translated to kicking major Maverick ass. A trend I'm seeing lately is a peaceful X, a kind of girly X. That's cute for two minutes, but, come on, give the guy some balls. Defeating Sigma's forces is no easy task. It takes guts and self-determination to overtake Sigma's evil plans. If you have played Maverick Hunter X, you know what I'm talking about. There's a scene in that game where X confronts Sigma, and X is so overwhelmed with anger that his voice, almost at screaming levels, tells everything.  The last line before X battles Sigma's final form is my favorite. The voice actor does such a great job that I even took notice. I was startled by how passionate that last line was to the point where I wanted to say to X "Calm down." It may seem like its OOC (out of character), but its not. That's what I expect from X not him blinking his eyes like in the SNES games. I want an red meat eating X who will spit out its blood if he has to. Do you think X wants to destroy things? No, but he has to save humanity. That's why I love X.



I have a love-hate relationship with this game mostly love. Its one of my favorites, but at the same time, I really think that this game marked the beginning of  the games forgetting about  X. You had a choice to play as X or Zero each with their unique stories. Looking at both stories, Zero's was cooler than X's story. Zero had Iris problems, repliforce problems, Colonel problems. What did X have? A football helmet wearing, future maverick named Double. The problem with X's story was that it was so generalized that I felt like he wasn't there. He only appeared at the intro and at the end. This is his story. They gave Zero a story, a good one, but why not X?

But seriously, X never looked hotter. The intro, wow. I think he appears in a total of ten seconds, but it was a well planned ten seconds. The ending is nothing but pretty X. But let me warn you: turn the sound off. His voice is grating and immature.



I'm not very familiar with the rest of the series beyond X4, but I'll pretend I am. X5 is an interesting game because a lot of people say its the "last" true game of the X series, plot wise. I agree, but I think the series can continue beyond X5. They have anyway although the plots aren't good. I'm not going to mention anything about the intro because I haven't seen it in detail. But...

One thing I do like about this game is this: X and Zero duke it out! I ain't going to lie, them fighting is hot. There are many different variations on this but here is my favorite:
I also like the mini cut scene at the end. It doesn't show in the video, but I'm sure you can find it.

BTW, did I post a spoiler? I just noticed that the picture on the left is from the ending. Oh well, you should know by now what happened as enough time has passed. I haven't watched The Sixth Sense, but I know the ending.



The picture on the left is screaming "Huh?"

Again, not familiar with X6. I'm guessing that X reunites with Zero. Whatever. They do this in every game. Speaking of the picture on the left, I like that picture of X. You can tell he's exhausted from all the fighting and bullshit he hears from the mavericks.


Oh really, X? God, you're Cindy Sheehan's wet dream.

Again, not ... I don't need to repeat myself. I will say this: X, I think, was nowhere to be seen in this game. Axl was his replacement, I'm not sure though. Once again, Capcom is ignoring X. I hate it. ITS HIS SERIES.


X looks good in the screencap above, but that's a rarity. When you look at the cut scenes in X8, it seems like X has no facial expressions. You don't see emotion in his face. 3D is not good for X. But his voice is wonderful. It fits beautifully.

I have mixed feelings about the manga. In some instances, X looks super hot, but in others, super lame. The MMX manga as a whole is great. I love putting the fights in a storyline format. I guess because I'm a writer and I want to see emotion and depth of the story. The manga does that with excellent results. X's appearance and character is fantastic.

Examples of his hotness:


Holy shit...X is on fire in both of these samples. The one on the right is just too gorgeous and panty-riffic. It almost looks like it could be a spread in Cosmo.

Examples of his notness:


Mostly because of the crying. I hate cry-baby X. Actually, the first half of the picture on the left is fine. I do like his hands grasping the soil and the soil trickling down from his fist. I just don't like the crying. The picture on the right, the only good thing about it is Zero.


When did X's eyes become green? I remember as a kid seeing X's eyes blue. I think it was because the original MM had blue eyes so naturally, I thought X had blue eyes.

I like him with blue eyes. I think he's handsomer that way. Even the early games thought so with notable examples being X3 and X4. 

That looks more natural than:

I guess its just preference. Its not only in the X series, but in Battle Network and even in the classic MM series. Why green eyes?

I guess I'll never know.


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