Britney's version of "Telephone" leaked This is me at the moment:
I like it. Not as good as Gaga's, but I love this song. It may be autotuned as fuck, but I can actually listen to the song's lyrics.
I also want to talk about homeboy's interview with CBS:
This won't take long. There were no groundbreaking revelations in this interview. It was the same information I've heard before: that this whole situation was NBC's fault.
The best moment in this interview comes at in at 7:30 - Conan's reaction to Jay Leno's stupid comment about how they both got screwed. Conan's reaction was just gold.
Second best moment was at 11:50 when the interviewer mentions NBC's debatable comment on how the Tonight Show was going to lose money had Conan been left to host. Conan's rebuttal, when you read it on paper, doesn't stand out, but watching his answer to that question it took me off guard. It's the most serious mood I've ever seen him in.
His humor during interviews is intact, but you could tell that this situation still bothers him.