Yes, I'm alive.

Jan 18, 2010 19:44

I feel like I need to comment on the whole Conan vs. NBC situation because people have asked my opinion on this clusterfuck of a late night television upheaval (plus I need to update this journal...eleven weeks without an update, wow.)

I've been a fan of Conan's for ten some years as evidence by this post; I've been a bad fan in recent times, watching episodes of The Tonight Show on Hulu or on Friday nights when I'm in a state between sleepiness and consciousness. I've taken his show for granted. It's been there for me at the same time, same Monday-Friday schedule since I've been a fan.

When I first heard about Leno's show being canceled and moving to 10:35pm (I live in the Central time zone), my first thought was "Oh, Conan just leave NBC.", and according to some reports, that's exactly what's he's going to do.

And I don't blame him for doing so.

Think about it. It's a demotion. He's being demoted over some bad business decision made over Leno's show (I didn't mind that Leno was on prime time, but five days a week?) Okay, so Conan's ratings weren't spectacular , but to move his show because Leno's own show was failing? Also, if my memory serves me correct, Leno promised to step aside, retire, and let Conan take over the show. Oh, boy, what a difference five years makes. I'd be pissed if I was promised a promotion, and later on have my predecessor come back and snatch it away from me.

And Conan wants you to know that he's pissed. There is so many to choose from, but this snippet, in my opinion, is the best:

Now, on Late Night, the NBC jokes came few in between, and they weren't as bitter tasting. The jokes he's making at NBC's expense after this scandal broke range from light-hearted to plain vicious. I just love that he doesn't give a fuck anymore. And the show is funnier now. He should've had this sword of Damocles hanging over his head since June 09.

By now, most people have heard about Conan's infamous "People of Earth" aka the "Fuck this shit" letter. If you haven't read it, please do. I read the letter during my lunch break, and it made my heart skip. I mistakenly thought he was resigning from the show up front (it might as well be a resignation letter given that he's leaving the network regardless.) It's one of the best letters I've read in a long time which should come as no surprise given that Conan is an excellent writer.

I couldn't possibly imagine how Conan must feel---losing The Tonight Show, a goal he's been reaching for since the beginning, and having to make this decision under public circumstances. But it's the correct one, and correct decisions are sometimes not the easiest. It sucks, but I rather have him resign under principle than have him swallow his pride.

My respect for this man has gone up exponentially since.

another conan post?

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