
May 14, 2008 21:25

ATTN Northeastern students or alumni:

Is a Northeastern education worth $48,000 per year?

Back in the old days of applying to colleges, Northeastern was one of my choices. It wasn't a serious choice. Honestly, I picked it because I wanted to go to a college in Boston (bad reason, I know). I didn't pay much attention to my application---I filled it out, wrote the personal essay, paid the fee---and mailed it. I don't think I even sent in my school transcript. Imagine my surprise when I got an acceptance letter from them along with the "Congrats" package.

Per usual, the reason I didn't go was because of the tuition (and because it was some 1,000 miles away from my family). I don't remember the cost, but it definitely wasn't $48,000 a year. A Harvard education costs $47,000. A $1,000 difference may not seem like much, but we're talking about Harvard here. I understand its high tuition. But Northeastern? Come on, Northeastern isn't worth $48,000. It isn't that prestigious of a school to be worth $48,000. Sorry, Northeastern.

Number of times of I've written Northeastern in this post: 7. It feels repetitive.


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