TV, my anti-drug

May 11, 2013 20:51

I just spent the past few weekends marathoning Breaking Bad. This show is like crack.

I love it.

And I totally recommend watching it. I understand how it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I thought it wasn't mine at first, still I suggest being patient with it and reserving judgment until the season one finale because the first few episodes start out as a slow burn. But it is so worth it. I didn't believe it at first but this show just gets better and better every season! And the creator Vince Gilligan is an inspiration. I mean, if I could craft characters and story lines as well as he did Walter What's a Nobel Prize?

Breaking Bad reminds me of the time when I was so sure that I wanted to write for TV. Sadly, the Filipino TV scene is utter crap and the networks aren't going to diversify their soap operas anytime soon. It's a shame.

casual liaisons with tv

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