(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 21:40

So I went to the er last night because I had a little bit of light spotting. I wasn't too worried but I figured that I should get it checked out. They did an ultrasound (did not find out the sex due to baby not co operating). Everything looked ok with the baby. and my cervix was closed. So I was released to go home and check in with my doctor in the morning. So I called and talked to the nurse this morning. She said they would have someone look at my ultrasound results and if there was something of concern I would recieve a phone call but otherwise to not worry about it and just come in for my usual appointment in a week. I figured everything would be fine. Then I got a phone call today around 2pm asking me if I could come in to see a doctor at 4. So I came in and was told that my cervix is shorter than it should be. It should be 4-5cm and mine is between 1.4 and 2.4cm. This puts me at a greater risk of preterm labor. So, I have to take it really easy. I can't work and need to stay off my feet as much as possible. The baby is healthy, I just need to keep him/her in for as long as possible. I also am being refered to some specialist and have to switch to Bronson hospital because they are more prepared for problems and are better set up for preemies. I know the situation sucks, but there is nothing I can do about it but deal with the restrictions.
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