Oct 24, 2005 08:37
So on Friday I was cleaning up my room, changing out the bedskirt on my boxspring.....I pulled a muscle in my back. That darn mattress twisted up and twisted me with it. Poo! Thankfully it wasn't tooooo bad as far as back straining goes. I've been immobilized for a few days (gardening/shoveling) which was awful painful, I was merley uncomfortable when I turned my torso or sat for extended periods. Needless to say, I did NOT finish cleaning my room to my satisfaction. I still have things that need to be moved around/taken out and cleaning behind furniture which involves moving the furiture.....something fun to lookforward to next weekend.
Whacky Fun!
Rick's Birthday Barbarian movie making extravaganza was a total hoot. I went briefly, had a shot or two of whisky, a beer and a couple of advil and promplty felt like I should go to sleep. POO! While I was there they shot a few scenes, covering "brutal" war, death & dying, barforama, & some "hot" lesbian-esq type action. Everyone was Toasted (see the capital "T" for emphasis)and the end product/film should be hysterical to watch. I can't wait for a screening and the documentary of filming too....
A highlight: meeting baby Jude! He managed to sleep soundly in his mama's arms nearly the entire time, he could feel the love in the room surrounding him :-) Lowlight: my damn aching back sent me home really early, I was in bed asleep 8:30ish.
I got a ton of sleep and my back felt much better! Yea!
I had a few friends come over on Sunday afternoon to carve pumpkins and enjoy some fruits of the season.
I prepared had French Onion Soup, Baked Acorn Squash, Pumpkin Pike, Mulled Cider (mmmm Tuaca spike) and people brought Wine, Aritchoke Dip, Crackers & mimi Rye toasts, Chocolate Mousse, Cookies, candies, pizza and MORE! We sat around and had a good ole time for several hours, catching up, pigging out, goofing off and carving pumpkins. It was great to see everyone, especially the kids who grew so much since I last saw them years ago!
My back feels almost normal today, and I got to work on time even though I set my alarm clock to the time I usually LEAVE my house. Duh! what was I thinking?
Looking forward to tonight, Skye and I are going to finish watching the BBC version of Moll Flanders and finish off the pumpking pie no doubt. :-)