nanowrimo time!

Oct 29, 2009 16:38


eek!  i’ve been looking forward to this for almost a whole year! i’m fairly certain i’ve blogged about it before. but now that it’s getting down to the wire, i’m getting nervous. i’ve got so many other things going on right now! and i’m afraid the plot i choose won’t be good enough, or i won’t have enough in my head to keep going all month, enough words to add up to 50,000 (that’s what the word count of the average novel is)! i’m sure it’ll be fine, though. in all seriousness, it’s only around 1700 words a day, which is actually quite easy peasy for me, but i don’t always feel like writing every day. i’ve been lucky in the past month that i actually have felt like writing a lot. i’ve been a writing machine, and i really hope it lasts throughout november.

now, if you feel like you might maybe want to support me a teeny bit and sponsor me on my quest to write the perfect novel (it feels weird to say that…saying i’m writing a “novel” feels like bragging or something…i can’t explain it)…aaanyway, if you might want to donate $10 or so to the cause, hop on over to my page and do it to it! the cause, by the way, is “the office of letters and light“, which brings programs into both schools and adult communities to teach and inspire writing. their young writers’ program is especially awesome! if this had been around when i was in high school, maybe things would have been different for me. maybe i wouldn’t have lost my writing confidence… at any rate, at least check out my page.  :)

and without further ado, here are the ideas for plots for nanowrimo. these ideas were born of my own pretty little head, and while i can’t use all of them for nanowrimo this year, i will more than likely develop them into something sooner or later. so pretty please don’t steal them. if you feel so inclined to vote, just leave a comment here with your favorite plot. here are my ideas:

1. guy is a druggie. guy  meets girl, falls in love, and decides he needs to clean himself up to be “worthy” of her. girl leaves, and guy is so devastated, he goes back to his old ways, even though he doesn’t want to. he sees her face in his mind constantly, and the only thing that can numb the pain is the drugs. this will obviously be angst-filled, and i have to be in an angsty mood to write angst. if i’m not already in that mood, writing angst will put me there. it’s a good excuse to lock myself away for 30 days. 
  it will also require a lot of research, as i have never been one to touch illegal substances (i was always afraid of getting into trouble! hahaha), and honestly don’t know that much about drug use, etc, aside from what i’ve read or seen in movies. however, i believe that this plot will be easily developed, and a sympathetic character will be easy to form.

2. a superhero realizes that he is losing his powers. he has to adapt to “normal” life. this will obviously be a little bit angsty, but i plan to include humor in it as well. nothing slapstick, though. i hate that. this plot would be a bit more of a challenge for me to develop.

3. guy and girl break up after years of a tumultuous relationship. she leaves for another man. they meet occasionally, sometimes amicably, sometimes not. both feel like their life has no meaning without the other, but they can’t get it together. he feels like he just needs to leave town, or else he’ll just keep reliving their relationship over and over again. i haven’t decided how it would end up, but it would also be very angsty. plot is based on a song by a friend. i was listening to the song when the characters popped into my head to say hello and tell their story. i haven’t written any of it down yet, which makes it eligible for me to use for nanowrimo. 

4. a fictional (based on non-fiction) memoir on being a navy wife. it would be humorous but also tell the hardships of a military spouse-finding friends, jobs, home, and then leaving them all multiple times.

5.  a memoir on dating. i have some of this written in my head. it’s actually based on a specific past relationship in my life. it would be humorous with splashes of slight angst here & there.

6. a modern-day telling of cinderella. i know this has been done time & time again, but i don’t like those cheesy ones they made into movies. it would be an actual retelling of the story, only set in modern times, with relevant political and social commentary.

that’s all i’ve got for you. if there’s nothing interesting here, please let me know. my goal is to not only write a novel that satisfies me, but to write something that people will actually want to read. and not just because they know me, but because it’s just good. 

just leave me a comment here with your vote on which plot you like best. please and thank you! 
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