i'm officially a published "photographer"!

May 13, 2009 22:21

 amateur, of course. ;)   i don't feel like i can actually use the title "photographer," as i haven't had any formal training. that probably sounds silly to you. but i'm a silly girl.

without further ado, i am officially debuting my published photo here on the good ol' eljay!  and here it is:

(you can click on the photo above and it will take you directly to the real-life website)

see that beautiful photograph near the upper right corner? it has my name under it! yay for me! i'm quite proud. it may not seem like such a big thing, but for someone who is majoring in studio arts, it's definitely a HUGE thing. to know that someone thought that a photograph that i took was pretty enough to include on their website is a great compliment.  hee. i'm schmapfamous.

i know that thingy up there is kind of blurry and small, so here is the original photo:

oh, and according to ashley, i'm also googlefamous! one of our favorite "local boys make good" bands, the working title, had a cd release party last saturday night, which we attended. of course we bought the new album (called "bone island") while there. and of course it is amazing. anyway, i wrote a review about it on tifftastic, and ash said that when she googled reviews for the album, mine was on the first page of google results.

"congrats!" she told me. "you're google-famous!"


i'm extremely proud of all the neat-o things i've been doing lately.

1. i posted an ad on craigslist to audition to sing in a band. i made a sample of my voice yesterday, and even stepped out of my comfort zone by letting ashley, mom, & dad listen to it. they *said* they thought it was good, but really, would they tell me if they thought otherwise? LOL.  anyway, i've gotten a few responses, but two of them were for party bands, some guy who plays ambient crap and has banners for legalizing weed all over his "professional" myspace, and a guy who plays dinner music. not interested. tonight, i revised my ad and said that i would like to request people with similar tastes in music--rock, indie, et cetera.  cover bands are okay, too. i love classic rock and stuff like that. just no huge party bands.  anyway, i will keep you posted on that situation. it was really more of a challenge to myself more than anything. i'm not really expecting much to come of it.

2. i joined a creative writing group on meetup.com called "moving forward."  it's for writers here in the charleston area. there's a meeting at the charleston library each month where we read, review, and give advice, creative criticism, etc.  i have yet to go to a meeting, b/c i just joined it a couple of weeks ago. the first meeting i'll be attending is this sunday afternoon (yes, mom, i will still be able to make it to papaw's birthday cookout!) and i cannot wait. my assignment is 1,000 words on an inanimate object. i'm thinking about doing it from the perspective of the inanimate object, which will probably be the chair-and-a-half in my living room. i like to think it has a wonderful life story, even though it's only three years old.

3. i also joined a book club on meetup.com.  seriously, folks, meetup.com is an awesome way to get involved in stuff! you join the groups and you get reminder emails and stuff like that so you won't forget about meetings or anything. anyhow, i haven't been to a book club meeting yet either. it's all ladies, and we're meeting at a coffee place i've never been to. next week is my first meeting, though i haven't read the book yet. actually, i've never heard of it. i can't even remember what the title is. but i've got a week to read it. i can do that. i'm really interested in making new friends and participating in intelligent conversation.

4. i've agreed to team up with a couple of internet friends to write a few different stories. maybe this will help me with my control issues. LOL.

5. i finally learned how to use the sewing machine, and now i'm a sewing FIEND!  i've made pillows, a little change purse, cool bracelets, a hairband.... it's so cool. i'm going to eventually start selling those things on etsy along with my artwork, once i hone my skill.  hee.

that's all i can really think of right now, but i think that's enough! i'm out of school for the next two weeks, and i'm going to have a pretty dang full plate once summer semester rolls around. not only do i have two online classes, but i'm also taking astronomy, which isn't offered in the online format. i have to *gulp* actually physically GO TO SCHOOL!  eep!  i have it on mondays from 10:30am til 5:30pm, b/c the lab is right after the lecture. suffice it to say that mondays are going to suck. royally.  i have just the lecture on wednesdays, which isn't bad, b/c it's over at like 12:45.  and because kristen got a summer job/internship thingy at roper, i agreed to keep collin & logan the mornings after her night-shifts. but that's a fun thing.  i *heart* those boys! it's like i have nephews. :)

okay, i think i'm going to go to bed in a timely manner tonight. it's not even 11pm yet! wow. that's sorta new for me lately. lol. i just find that i am more inspired/motivated at night to do things. i'm such a night owl. i seriously think that i was created to be a nocturnal creature. maybe i was a bat in my past life or something.  OOH, or a CULLEN!!!

*tiff, goddess extraordinaire*

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