two reasons to be uber proud this week

Apr 24, 2009 15:46

i have two really cool reasons to be proud of myself this week:

1. i *finally* got a grade back for a paper i wrote for my english lit class at least a month ago.  it was a reader response to dante gabriel rossetti's poem "the blessed damozel".  in the poem, a lady in heaven watches her love on earth & waits for the day when they will be reunited.  it was sort of written as a response to edgar allen poe's "the raven", in which the narrator's love has died, and he wishes for her to come back. so they're sort of opposites.  anyway, i wrote a paper describing the parallels between these two poems, and i got a 100 on it!  :)   but that wasn't even the best part. here are my professor's comments:

Outstanding essay, Tiffany! You’ve opened up Rossetti’s poem in a fresh way, and I’m pleased to see the effort you’ve put in. Nice work.

pretty cool, huh?  i love my english lit prof. he is so very encouraging.  he has instilled in me more confidence as a writer than any other professor i've ever had.  particularly more than that beotch prof i had in my freshman year of college who told me i was incompetent. hmph.

so anyway, i have that to be super proud of.  and then this happened:

2.  i hadn't checked my flickr account for quite a while, so i did so yesterday. and there was an email from a lady at  google says:  " ' Schmap' is the publisher of free digital travel guides for destinations throughout the world."  
they're really cool interactive maps & stuff with photos of the places, and all their stuff is free. there's even a program you can download.  anyway, the important part is what the email said.  the lady told me that this photo that i took the last time we were in austin is being considered for their guide to austin!  how cool is that?!  i wouldn't get paid or anything, but i would get credit for the photo, of course.  and just being considered is a great honor for me!  so i'm really excited about this. it's another sign pointing me in the right direction of my studio arts major with concentrations in photography & painting. :)

so those are my two pieces of cool news.  other than that, nothing else to report. oh, except that i somehow have to finish an english lit quiz today, an art history exam by sunday, my art history final by tuesday, and two (yes, count them, TWO!) english lit papers by wednesday!  gaaahhhhh!  i won't even have time to gawk at hot pictures of rob pattinson & jackson rathbone or twitter with kt & friends or drink coffee and type to my heart's content............ah, c'est la vie!  but seeing how these are the last assignments for the semester, i'm sure i'll manage.  ;)

all my love, mon chers!

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*tiff, goddess extraordinaire*
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